Navigating the Politics of Gender and Sexuality in China

Birmingham, Stuart Hall Room, The Exchange
Monday 17 June 2024 (09:00-17:00)

If interested, please contact or

This workshop will convene distinguished scholars and emerging voices from diverse disciplines and institutions to present their most recent research on gender and sexuality in the People's Republic of China (PRC).

Our goal is to foster an exchange of ideas and share cutting-edge research on the nuanced subjects of gender, sexuality, and women's roles in China's past, present and future.

Spanning the historical continuum from the late Qing dynasty to the contemporary era, our discussions aim to unravel the intricacies of women's roles in Chinese society. We recognize the intrinsic link between these conversations and China's nation-building processes, wherein the politics of gender and sexuality play a pivotal role in shaping the historical, present, and future trajectories of this ascendant global power.

Join us if you share these research interests. We will delve into critical topics, exchange ideas, and explore potential collaborations for future research.



Pre-1949: Colonialism and War:
Yutong Wang (University of York)
Shirley Ye (Univeristy of Birmingham)
Federica Cicci (Roma Tre University)
Jie (Jocelyn) Xu (University of York)

Mothering and Family:
Sanna Eriksson (University of York)
Xiao Ge (University of York)
Minji Du (University of Birmingham)
Scarlett Man Yee Ng (Unviersity of Oxford)

Afternoon sessions

Liberalism and Illiberalism:
Rachel Seah (Birmingham City University)
Hua Ma (University of East Anglia)
Yunyun Zhou (University of Oslo)
Kailing Xie (University of Birmingham)

Dating, Media, Representation:
Chang Liu (Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes)
Ling Tang (Open University)
Xintong Jia (University of Essex)