Adam Sheppard MSc, PGCHE, BA (Hons)

Adam Sheppard

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Assistant Professor

Adam is an Assistant Professor of urban planning, specialising in development management matters inclusive practice, theory, and history.

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  • MSc City and Regional Planning
  • Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning (HE)
  • BA (Hon) Geography and Urban Studies
  • CMI Diploma in Management


Adam is a development management specialist and professional town planner (MRTPI) with over 20 years’ experience in both the public sector and academia. He is an Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Birmingham. Adam teaches across a range of undergraduate and postgraduate modules and acts as a tutor and dissertation supervisor for students and Apprentices on the MSc Urban and Regional Planning.


Adam is a development management specialist and professional town planner (MRTPI) with over 20 years’ experience in both the public sector and academia. He is an Assistant Professor of Urban Planning at the University of Birmingham.


Adam joined academia after working in local government as a development management officer; dealing with a diversity of development proposals, he gained experience in both urban and rural contexts working on a diversity of planning applications across the planning spectrum, from Green Belt areas and open countryside to inner city redevelopment projects. Adam continues to emphasise applied planning practice within his teaching and research and embraces partnership with industry within his work.


Adam now lectures and researches in planning regulation/systems, placemaking, urban place and social change, urban design, regeneration, development management, enforcement, planning implementation, decision making/policy interpretation, and history. He is particularly focused upon the planning decision making and implementation space.


He is an experienced researcher, leading and working on a diversity of small-scale research projects for clients ranging from community groups, Arts Council England, Public Health England, RTPI, RTPI Enforcement Network, WECA, LGA/PAS, and the Welsh and Dutch Governments. Recently Adam was part of the academic team who delivered a project exploring improving post-planning processes to deliver better places for the West of England Combined Authority (winner of the 2021 RTPI Sir Peter Hall Award for Research Excellence). He also recently investigated the implications of the Use Classes Order in England from a regulatory, spatial, social, economic, and environmental perspective with regards the AirBnB phenomena within Bristol. Adam’s most recent research work includes a project for LGA/PAS in partnership with LUC reviewing best practice and guidance in the use of Planning Performance Agreements and pre-application enquiries, two projects for Arts Council England exploring arts and culture based regeneration (one in partnership with Gloucester City Council, Reef, and Kier development), a project concerned with biodiversity net gain working with the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, and a study considering the opportunities and challenges of urban rewilding.


Adam is an External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin University, has undertaken programme review exercises for Birmingham City University, University of Dundee, and the University of Ulster, and is a Member of the RTPI, RGS, and HEA. Adam is also a member of the Regional Activities Committee for the RTPI South West.

Other activities

Adam is an External Examiner at Anglia Ruskin University, and has undertaken programme review exercises for Birmingham City University, University of Dundee, and the University of Ulster.

He is a Member of the RTPI, and a Fellow of the RGS and HEA. Adam is also a member of the Regional Activities Committee for the RTPI South West.


Recent publications


Sheppard, A, Summers, F, Bowers, M, Griffin, O & Jones, C 2024, 'Pre-paration is everything: How harnessing the potential of pre-application engagement and planning performance agreements could improve planning outcomes', Town and Country Planning Association Journal, vol. 93, no. 5, pp. 281-287. <>

Griffin, E, McClymont, K & Sheppard, A 2022, 'A sense of legitimacy in low-impact developments: experiences and perspectives of communities in South-West England', International Journal of Housing Policy, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 83-105.

Gardner, E, Sheppard, A & Bullock, J 2022, 'Why biodiversity net gain requires an ecological permission system', Town and Country Planning Association Journal, vol. 91, no. 6.

Sheppard, A 2022, 'Zeitgeist: The importance of language and reflecting the spirit of the times', Town and Country Planning Association Journal, vol. 91, no. 3.

Sheppard, A, West, H, Cole, S, Gopinath, D & Sonjak, M 2021, 'Airbnb: Another argument for a revised, not compromised, spatial management approach', Town and Country Planning Association Journal, vol. 90, no. 5/6, pp. 166-171.

Sheppard, A & McClymont, K 2021, 'Planning and health: defining the limitations of regulation and the discretionary context at the micro/site scale', Town Planning Review, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 561–585.


Sheppard, A 2021, Online, but not isolated: addressing a key challenge of digital distance learning. in AI Frank & A da Rosa Pires (eds), Teaching Urban and Regional Planning. Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., pp. 204–220.


Sheppard, A, Croft, N & Smith, N 2023, The Short Guide to Town and Country Planning 2e. Short Guides, 2nd edn, Policy Press.

Commissioned report

Keech, D, Sheppard, A, Courtney, P & Summers, F 2023, Pride of Place. Countryside and Community Research Institute, University of Gloucestershire, Cheltenham. <>

Ricci, M, Sinnett, D, Ige, J, Hickman, H, Sheppard, A, Croft, N, Thrift, J & Emery, T 2021, Getting Research into Practice (GRIP): Supporting development of local healthy planning practices. UWE Bristol. <>

Hickman, H, McClymont, K & Sheppard, A 2021, Planners of the future: Expectations, motivations, and experiences: A snapshot from 2019-2020. UWE Bristol. <>


Sheppard, A 2024, 'Prior Disapproval', Town and Country Planning Association Journal, vol. 23, no. 4, pp. 258-259.

McClymont, K & Sheppard, A 2021, 'Rethinking regulation: the mundane turn in planning', Town Planning Review, vol. 92, no. 5, pp. 511-516.

Other report

Sheppard, A, Summers, F, Rose, A & Britnell, S 2024, Planning Enforcement: Biodiversity Net Gain preparedness. University of Birmingham.

Sheppard, A, Summers, F, Bowers, M & Griffin, O 2023, Evidence based research on national best practice in Local Authority approaches to pre-application discussions and Planning Performance Agreements (PPAs). Planning Advisory Service. <>

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Urban planning, planning practice, development management, planning decision making, planning regulation, planning policy, planning enforcement