Academic staff in the School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences 

Academic staff

Dr Gethin Davison

Dr Gethin Davison

Associate Professor of Urban and Regional Planning

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Gethin Davison is an interdisciplinary researcher and educator with a background in human geography, planning and urban design. He has published widely in the fields of urban planning, design and housing, and has a particular interest in the governance of design and the relationships between people and place.


Dr Rosie Day

Dr Rosie Day

Associate Professor in Environment and Society

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Rosie Day is an environmental human geographer interested in various aspects of peoples experience of, and engagement with, the wider environment. Much of her work has been in the area of environmental inequalities and environmental justice where she has developed a particular theme on ageing and environmental issues. She is currently largely focused on research to do with energy ...

+44 (0)121 41 48096

Dr Surindar Kishen Dhesi

Dr Surindar Kishen Dhesi

Senior Lecturer in Environmental Health and Risk Management

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Surindar Dhesi is an environmental health lecturer and active chartered practitioner involved in several multi-disciplinary and multi-method projects on the conditions experienced by migrants, refugees and internally displaced people in France, Indonesia, Gaza, Rwanda and Nigeria. 

The overarching aim of her work is to help protect the most vulnerable members of society by understanding, ...

+44 (0)121 414 7751

Dr Benedetta Dini

Dr Benedetta Dini

Assistant Professor in Environmental Sciences

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Dini is an engineering geologist and geomorphologist with a strong interest in unravelling the physical processes underpinning landslides and the environmental factors influencing their distribution. Her work spans multiple disciplines, combining high-level remote sensing techniques such as InSAR, innovative wireless technologies, fieldwork, and spatial analyses to detect and investigate ...


Dr Dilum Dissanayake

Dr Dilum Dissanayake

Associate Professor in Human Geography and Transportation Planning

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr. Dilum Dissanayake is an experienced academic with particular interest in transport planning and human Geography. Her passion for educating STEM careers means that she devotes time in developing research careers at Postdoctoral, PhD, as well as Postgraduate and Undergraduate degree levels. Dr Dissanayake’s ambition is to further advance knowledge and skills in transport planning and data ...


Dr Simon J Dixon

Dr Simon J Dixon

Lecturer in Geography

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Simon is an interdisciplinary lecturer in geography with broad research interests around human interactions with water and landscapes.  Much of his work focuses on “Anthropocene geomorphology” - unique landforms resulting from interactions between human activities and natural processes. Examples include how waste plastic is being incorporated into sediments and fluvial transport ...


Dr Daniel Drage

Dr Daniel Drage

Associate Professor in Environmental Health

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Dr Drage has a range of experience using mass spectrometry techniques to investigate the presence and effects of persistent and emerging organic contaminants in a range of indoor and outdoor environments. He has made contributions to the fields of human exposure, wildlife exposure as well as waste management.

0121 414 7243

Dr Tom Dunkley Jones

Dr Tom Dunkley Jones

Birmingham Fellow

School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences

Tom is a micropalaeontologist and paleoceanograher specializing in the study of fossil coccolithophore algae. His research interests are focused on the warm-climate states of the Paleogene period and include the use of coccolithophore assemblages and geochemical signatures as palaeoceanographic proxies. Tom is also interested in improving reconstructions of warm climate temperature ...

+44 (0)121 414 6751