Schools Lecture Collection
We are pleased to present a collection of talks from our academics covering a diverse range of A Level and GCSE relevant subjects. These are focused talks suitable for inclass use, and we have provided some indication of where they are relvant within the curriculum.
We have also identified some selected Royal Geographical Society (RGS) resources that may also be of value.
You can find these materials here.
A Level in-class Talks and Q&A
We also have a series of A-Level talks which can be delivered via zoom by staff members to slot into your lessons (30 min talk plus time for questions). We have a list of topics you can choose from and we can arrange these at a time to suit both you and the staff member. If you would like further details please get in touch at
University experiences
We organise programmes of seminars, tours and practicals at the University of Birmingham for both pupils and teachers. These can be subject specific or multidisciplinary. Our annual highlight is the Global Challenges event; an exciting multiple school experience, with a combination of talks and activites led by own academics here at the university.
If you would like further details please get in touch at
Geography and Geology opportunities
The Lapworth Museum of Geology host school visits and provide resources to help provide targeted learning associated with the Geography and Geology curriculum. The museum Education Team offer a fantastic range of targeted in-museum and virtual sessions, activities, and loan boxes. We have our own classroom space to host dedicated school sessions, and we aim to offer visiting groups fun, engaging, and interactive learning experiences. To find out more here.
Climate change and sustainability
The Birmingham Institute of Forest Research (BIFoR) at the University of Birmingham conducts cutting-edge research on the impacts of climate change, invasive species, and other environmental stressors on forest ecosystems. This work extends to urban, health and wellbeing, and interdisciplinary studies concerning the importance of trees and forests. BIFoR offers a range of education and outreach opportunities. Find out more here.