2024 Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School - Accelerating Energy Transition towards Net-Zero

School of Engineering (Building Y8)
Monday 17 June (10:00) - Friday 21 June 2024 (17:00)

Please contact the Summer School Coordinator: Dr Nan Chen.

The schedule for the Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School 2024Click on image to enlarge

The Electrical Power and Control Systems research group from the School of Engineering, University of Birmingham, is organising the Birmingham Decarbonisation Summer School from 17 -21 June 2024 at University of Birmingham.

The topic is "Accelerating Energy Transition towards Net-Zero", which is open to all UK PhDs and Postdocs from both academia and industry, and from all net-zero related disciplines. This summer school is free of charge.

Summer School Briefing

The training session, spans two days; summer school participants are able to work in groups on a real-world net-zero challenge proposed by our lead industry partner, culminating a group pitch presentation to the judging panel on the final day. Approximately 20 experts, mainly from industry, are invited to give keynote presentations, join the "Early-Career Forum" panel discussion, and act as the judges on the final pitch day. Site visits, networking dinners, and presentation competitions will secure a fruitful week for all.

Summer School Challenge

One of the key challenges in achieving net-zero in the UK is how to unlock the renewable potential of remote islands. During this summer school, our lead industry partner, Dr Bless Kuri from SSEN Transmission, will offer the challenge of how to connect renewable generation on the Orkney archipelago to the GB transmission system in north Scotland. In this challenge, you will be positioned as a consultant to:

  • Develop the technical solution for the proposed transmission link
  • Develop the investment case for the project

Take this great opportunity to join us to:

  • Gain awareness of what the real challenges are of the Energy Transition towards net-zero
  • Meet world-class experts in net-zero from industry and academia
  • Learn about job opportunities and career development
  • Work collaboratively with other researchers on a real-world net-zero challenge

Programme and Application 

The deadline for applications is 28 May. More details are also available via LinkedIn.