Ruth Till

Doctoral Researcher

Investigation into the construction of secondary geography teacher identity

Over the last 30 years there has been increasing interest in teacher identity. The understanding of teacher identity has developed, acknowledging the role that emotion, passion, commitment and courage play in its formation and that it is no longer just the acquisition of a defined set of assets. The concept of teacher identity is a complex one. Its formation is not static or linear but dynamic, evolves over time and can be formed from multiple sub-identities. These shifts in teacher identity are an acknowledged part of becoming a teacher in the literature but not always recognised by the professional.

The research focuses on secondary geography teachers who have had experience of teaching in England. Initially by using a survey to a large population of secondary geography teachers and a collective of narratives from a smaller sample of secondary geography teachers, the research hopes to provide insight into the construction of their identity by drawing on their social, personal and educational experiences.

The need for more effective understanding of teacher identity is, to ensure that teachers can address tensions and conflicts in their identity when they arise. If teachers are given the skills to address these tensions it can be valuable, as it leads to awareness, an opportunity for creativity and learning. However, if these tensions are not recognised and acknowledged, it can at best lead to a lack of fulfilment and at worst it could result in a teacher leaving the profession.

Research Supervisors

Dr Adam Cooke and Dr Sophie Hadfield-Hill


Ruth has been a secondary geography teacher since 2011. They have taught in a rural comprehensive school, an urban comprehensive school and a selective independent girls’ school. Before beginning their PhD at the University of Birmingham in September 2019, they were a Subject Leader of geography and a Teaching Fellow. They continue to teach part-time while undertaking research into the construction of secondary geography teacher identity.


  • MA in Education (University of Birmingham)
  • BSc Geography Hons. (University of Birmingham)

Research interests

  • Teacher Identity
  • Recruitment and Retention
  • Geography Education 
  • Mentoring and Coaching

Teaching responsibilities

  • Teacher of geography (secondary schools)

Professional memberships

  • Geographical Association
  • Royal Geographical Society
  • Chartered College of Teachers

Conference papers

  • Presented: ‘Ethical Global Issues Pedagogy Project’ at the  Education as a Pedagogy of Hope & Possibility: The Role of Teacher Education in Leading Narratives of Change Conference. TEESNet: Teacher Education for Equity and Sustainability. (Link to educational resources) Thursday 17th September 2020
  • Presented: ‘The Inequality Debate’ at the Youth Climate Summit 2020. Friday 13th November 2020
  • Presented: ‘An investigation into the construction of secondary geography teacher identity’ at #TimeSpacePlace2020 PGR Education Conference 2020 UoB. Saturday 28th November 2020
  • Presented: ‘An investigation into the construction of secondary geography teacher identity’ at Geography Teacher Educator’s Conference 2021. Friday 29th January 2021
  • Presented: ‘Ethical global issues pedagogy for reflexive compassion: a resource at the Geographical Association Conference 2021. Friday 9th April 2021
  • Presented: ‘An investigation into the construction of secondary geography teacher identity’ at the Geographical Association Conference 2021. Saturday 10th April 2021


Kraftl, P., Lynch, I., Jarman, P., Menzel A., Walker, A., Till, R. & Hadfield-Hill, S. (2021) So you’re literally taking the piss?! Critically analysing and accounting for ethics (and risk) in interdisciplinary research on children and plastics, Children's Geographies, DOI: 10.1080/14733285.2021.1875124


Contact details


Twitter: @RuthHTill