Ways to Play and Let's Play

To be announced after registering, University of Birmingham
Friday 14 March 2025 (10:00-15:00)
Neil Stuart
Neil Stuart

A playful approach for young autistic children


Mr Neil Stuart, Autism New Zealand and Ms Alison Taylor, Bishop Grosseteste University

The Autism Centre for Education and Research (ACER) within the Department for Disability Inclusion and Special Needs (DISN) is organising a workshop on Way to Play is an approach to playing joyously with young autistic children developed by Neil Stuart and Tanya Blakey from Autism New Zealand. It draws on principles of intersubjectivity and approaches such as the Developmental Individual-Differences Relationship Model (DIR) and the Routines-Based Intervention (RBI). The Way to Play approach was developed to help build children’s communication, social reciprocity, shared attention, imitation, emotion regulation, planning, and problem-solving skills through joyful caregiver-child interactions.

In this workshop, Neil Stuart (from Autism New Zealand) will describe the theoretical basis of this approach as well as demonstrate strategies used in Way to Play. The approach expects the parents/care givers to adapt their play and interaction styles to their child’s interests. Way to Play is delivered nationally within in New Zealand and offered as Professional development to early childhood teachers.

Let’s Play is a parent mediated programme developed from Way to play. The Let’s Play programme focuses on three target areas: (1) caregivers’ play skills, (2) caregivers’ communication strategies, and (3) the well-being of the family. Neil draws on Way to Play and Let’s Play within this talk. He will be using a combination of theory, narrative, metaphor, video and interactive examples.

Who is this event for?

This event is particularly relevant for parents of recently diagnosed children as well as for early years professionals, speech and language therapists, educational psychologists and students studying on autism or SEND programmes.


Neil Stuart has over 30 years’ experience in the field of autism. He has developed a number of nationally delivered, Ministry of Education funded Autism Education programmes. He developed the Way to Play approach along with his colleagues. Neil has involved parent groups, and autistic adults to help in the development of his education programmes. Neil has presented talks nationally and internationally, including the Australia and Pacific Autism Conference. He is committed to providing a playful, joyous approach with autistic children which promotes high quality and engaging experiences.

Alison Taylor currently teaches on the BA (Hons) SENDI Degree Programme, having previously held positions within educational and advisory settings. Alison recently presented to the 13th Autism-Europe International Congress (2022) and the Advance HE Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Conference (2023). Alison has had a keen interest in Autism NZ's Way to Play programme since 2020 and invites Neil to speak in Lincoln whenever he visits these shores! Alison is committed to changing practice through collaboration, for improved well-being and inclusion. 

  • Registration is essential to pay and secure your place. Once registered room and building details will be emailed to you closer to the event.
  • Light lunch and refreshments will be available at the event
  • If you have any dietary or access requirements, please contact Prithvi Perepa
  • Please note, this seminar is in person only and is not being recorded.
  • This event open to the public, staff and students.

Find out more about our MA Inclusion (Autism Children) programme at the University of Birmingham.