Lacan and Education: Research Method

Room 312 - Education Building, Zoom
Tuesday 4 March 2025 (12:00-13:00)
Jacques Lacan, Psychoanalyst
Jacques Lacan, Psychoanalyst

An interview with Prof Claudia Lapping and Prof Ian Parker about research method.


Professor Claudia Lapping, Professor of Psychosocial Studies and Education, UCL and Emeritus Professor Ian Parker, Emeritus Professor and Psycoanalyst, University of Leicester, The Red Clinic 

'I do not think I will give my teaching in the form of a pill; I think that would be difficult.' (Lacan, My Teaching)

Lacan’s clinical methodology and the philosophical bearings of his teachings have much to say about psychosocial research, especially in relation to his questions surrounding the place of ignorance and knowledge in our world. By exploring the slippery nature of language, the registers of real, symbolic, and imaginary, and through his formulation of discourse, there is much to rethink in educational research in terms of the stability of its aims, methods, and outcomes.

In the final of three seminars on Research Methodology, Dr Nick Stock (author of forthcoming The Lacanian Teacher, Palgrave) will discuss Lacan’s contributions to thinking about education with world-leading experts on Lacan from both academia and the clinic. Join us in person or online to learn (or unlearn) about some of Lacan’s key concepts and what they have to do with different aspects of education.


Claudia Lapping’s work explores the use of psychoanalytic ideas and techniques in social science research methodologies, structures of subjectivity, and its relation to language. She also examines the sociology of knowledge as a field that recognises the significance of social position in the construction of knowledge. Alongside Claudia’s academic role, she is currently completing the clinical training at the Site for Contemporary Psychoanalysis. She has published and edited multiple books including Freud, Lacan, Zizek and Education Exploring Unconscious Investments in Policy and Practice (Routledge, 2020), Knowing and Not Knowing. Thinking psychosocially about learning and resistance to learning (Routledge, 2018) and Psychoanalysis in Social Research. Shifting theories and reframing concepts (Routledge, 2011).

Ian Parker was co-founder in 1991, and is currently co-director (with Professor Erica Burman), of the Discourse Unit ( His research and writing has been in the field of psychoanalysis, psychology and social theory, with a particular focus on discourse, critical psychology, mental health and political practice. He is Emeritus Professor of Management at the University of Leicester, and has visiting professorial posts in Brazil, South Africa, Spain and the UK. He is a practising psychoanalyst with the Red Clinic, and is currently Secretary of Manchester Psychoanalytic Matrix and Managing Editor of the Annual Review of Critical Psychology. He is a Fellow of the BPS and the RSA. He has published and edited multiple books including Psychoanalysis and Revolution (1968 Press, 2021), Psychoanalysis, Clinic and Context (Routledge, 2019) and Lacanian Psychoanalysis: Revolutions in Subjectivity (Routledge,2010).

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