A voice for theatre and culture in Palestine

Location to be advised upon registration, University of Birmingham
Monday 1 July 2024 (16:00-17:00)

This event is hosted by the School of Education on behalf GCRF Network+ Disability under Siege

Marina Barham, the General Director of Al Harah Theater in Bethlehem, Palestine, will be bringing a voice from the theater and performing arts sector in Palestine through the story of Al Harah Theater and their work in the West Bank. Marina will be speaking about the recent situation in Palestine and the role of theatre in helping children, young people and the community overcome trauma. 

The event is open to all who register. It is a space to critically explore pressing issues in Palestine - as such, attendees need to be aware that sensitive and challenging issues will be discussed.

As is routine for University events, this will be a safe and respectful space for all in attendance, regardless of background and to pose appropriate questions.

This event is open to the public, staff and students. Registration is essential to receive full details of the event and location. 

Please note, this event will not be recorded.