Careena Fenton

Image of Careena Fenton

Department of Drama and Theatre Arts
Doctoral researcher

Contact details

PhD title: The intersection of Witchcraft and Spiritualism and the impact upon women magicians of the nineteenth century
Supervisors:  Dr Caroline Radcliffe and Dr Eleanor Dobson
PhD Drama and Theatre Studies

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  • Member of The Magic Circle
  • BA hons Wales


Careena is a performance magician and academic. She gives talks and presentations on seance theatre, spiritualism and spooky folkloric magic.


Teaching undergraduates devised theatre University of Birmingham.


My research topic is how medieval witchcraft theory, the theory of women as witches and the sex more prone to deception, influenced the development of women in magic in the nineteenth century. Spiritualism in the nineteenth century was criticised as witchcraft in disguise, which influenced how deceptive and magical women were, in many cases, seen as women with heightened sexuality, which harks back to medieval witchcraft theory of deceptive women as promiscuous women.

Other activities

  • 'Recipient of The Maskelyne Award from The Magic CircleRecipient of The Edwin Dawes Award for Magical Scholarship from Magicana.