Enabling Consensus Building in City-Regions

This project examines the role of partnership working in Covid-19 recovery planning. 

It builds on previous research carried out by City-REDI/ WMREDI in the West Midlands. These include the LIPSIT project that developed proposals for a changed central-local government relationship to support local and regional governance capacity.

The findings of this research were published in the Achieving Levelling-up: The Structures and Processes Needed report. Also relating to work under this theme are work on place-based issues with the Industrial Strategy Council (see also other Theme 6 projects), work on the spatial economic development architecture for the Midlands Engine and research under Theme 1 on Universities, Skills and Strategies


Research Theme 6

Governance and Institutional Arrangements 


The research first aims to explore the way that actors in a city-region recognise collective challenges and opportunities, assemble relevant actors, debate different approaches, and secure agreement on solutions.

Drawing lessons from the regional response to Covid-19 in the West Midlands, Liverpool City Region and the North East LEP, it will investigate to what extent partnership working has changed as a result of the pandemic, how joint recovery planning has helped shape thinking and informed action within individual organisations, and what can be learned from the experience for informing the work of existing and future partnerships.


Project lead contact details: 

Charlotte Hoole, Research Fellow, City-REDI / WMREDI 

Project support contact details: 

Matthew Patterson, Administrative Assistant, City-REDI / WMREDI 

Publications and Reports

Covid-19 recovery planning, partnership working and the role of universities in city-regions
October 2021 - Charlotte Hoole, Abigail Taylor, Hannes Read & Anne Green

WMREDI is funded by Research England and the WMREDI partnership

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