The DEIM model represents a significant departure from previous modelling techniques which could only consider projects in isolation. Instead, it has the ability to consider investments of different types both individually and jointly, and to forecast synergies or conflicts in their consequences.
On a project-by-project basis, DEIM can help to:
- Understand the impact of individual investments in terms of their economic impact (as measured by GVA) in order robustly and transparently prioritise investment across the three WM LEP areas
- Appraise and prioritise different types of interventions (e.g. housing versus transport) on a level playing field
At the programme level, DEIM can help to:
- Assess investment programmes against secondary criteria that ensure local balance
- Provide robust analysis of national impacts by taking account of growth any growth that might have been displaced from elsewhere in the country
- Create an integrated spatial investment strategy and assess that against the WM vision
- Consider the level and spatial distribution of land-use needed to achieve the WM vision
- Test and optimism investment programmes
City-REDI focused on:
- Skills programmes, including NVQ and apprenticeship schemes
- Business support (e.g. access to finance, trade facilitation)