Events in BVRN

Forthcoming events

3rd UoB-VU joint workshop on 'Urban and Environmental Challenges' June 2024, Birmingham.

Previous events

Professor Yiannis Karavias (UoB and Brunel) delivered a lecture to PhD students and early career researchers on Randomised Control Trials and Difference in Difference Models, November 2023, Birmingham

2nd UoB-VU joint workshop on Urban and Environmental Challenges’ April 2023, Amsterdam.

Professor Hans Koster (VU) delivered a lecture on Methods and Identification in Empirical Research for PhD students and early career researchers, April 2023, Birmingham

Dr Xiao Yi (VU) presented ‘Travel Time Uncertainty and Ambiguity Attitudes’, January 2023, Birmingham

Hiromi Yumoto (UoB), presented ‘Refugees’ Economic Integration and Firms’, September 2022, Amsterdam

Ceren Ozgen (UoB) visited VU Amsterdam in July 2022 to discuss joint research between UoB, VU and MIT. The research paper is out as NBER discussion paper.

1st UoB-VU joint workshop on Urban and Environmental Challenges: June 2022, Birmingham.

Matt Cole ‘Air Pollution Exposure and Covid-19 in Dutch Municipalities’. Seminar at VU, June 2020. 

Jos van Ommeren and Joris Klingen ‘Risk Attitude and Air Pollution: Evidence from Chess’ and ‘Urban Air Pollution and Time Losses: Evidence from Cyclists in London’. Seminar at UoB, December 2019. 

David Maddison ‘Identifying the Information Effect of Flood Events: A Near-Miss Hedonic Approach. Seminar at VU, December 2019. 

Rob Elliott ‘Estimating the Direct and Indirect Impact of Typhoons on Plant Performance: Evidence from Chinese Manufacturers.’ Seminar at VU, May 2019. 

Hans Koster ‘The Welfare Effects of Greenbelt Policy: Evidence from England’, March 2019. 

Eric Strobl ‘Protecting Species Through Legislation: The Case of Sea Turtles’. Seminar at VU, November 2018.

Hans Koster ‘Short-Term Rentals and the Housing Market: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Airbnb in Los Angeles’. Seminar at UoB, March 2018.