Bisola Joloko

Doctoral Researcher in the Department of Accounting 

Integrating Sustainability into Professional Accounting Education

Bisola JolokoMy research is aimed at investigating how sustainability is integrated into professional accounting education. The accounting profession has a responsibility to serve the public interest; this facilitates the expectations that sustainability issues are included in the scope of accounting work. Similarly, sustainability skills and competencies are relevant to every discipline and profession since the issues are recognised as complex, interconnected, and multi-disciplinary. The study focuses on the professional training stages of professional accounting education using case studies of the UK and Nigeria. The integration of sustainability into professional accounting education will enable professional accounting practice to evolve and contribute positively to society's assessment of accountability, reporting and other significant public interest responsibilities. 

Contact Details:

Supervisors: Prof. Jan Bebbington and Dr. Elisavet Mantzari


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  • Msc Accounting- University of Salford, UK
  • Bsc Accounting- Caleb University, Lagos

Research Interests

  • Sustainability Accounting
  • Accounting Education

Professional Memberships

Associate Chartered Accountant (ACA)- The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN)