Philip Hagelberg

MPhil Economics student, University of Oxford

BSc Economics, 2020

When I first visited Birmingham on one of the open days, the first thing that stood out was the campus itself. I had an immediate feeling that this was somewhere I’d want to spend the next 3 years of my life.

After speaking to the academic members of staff at the open day they were very welcoming which only strengthened my desire to want to study here.

I was always intrigued about economics and the course offered at Birmingham is both challenging and rewarding. You can tailor it to your interests with your module choices and I personally preferred to go down the more theoretical route. The subject increases your ability to think critically and to analyse which are very important skills for any profession you may find yourself working in after university.

What are your fondest memories of your time at Birmingham?

I got very involved in sports during my time in Birmingham and my fondest memories are competing with both the sailing team and the ice hockey team. Joining a sport at university is definitely something I would recommend! 

What would be your top tip for students to help them make the most out of their time at Birmingham?

Definitely make use of the office hours that all academic staff members are required to have! If you don’t understand something it is really useful to be able to speak to an academic 1-to-1 and they are often able to offer a new approach to a problem you may have.

What one word would you use to describe the University of Birmingham?


Philip HagelbergWe Are Birmingham Alumni

Philip Hagelberg

“My favourite spot on campus has to be Chancellor’s Court and Old Joe at the centre of campus!”