Peter Haggett
Digital Consultant at Transform UK in London.
MSc International Marketing
Since graduation, I have been working as a Consultant with Transform UK. While we are based in London, we deliver end-to-end digital transformation in public and private sector organisations across the country - helping our clients to grow effectively in digital.
This means that I spend a lot of time looking at how organisations are structured, how they respond to challenges and what it is their customers actually need. Mostly my job is about getting into the guts of a company and figuring out what's going wrong and how that can be fixed most effectively.
Are you in regular touch with the friends you made at Birmingham?
I keep in regular touch with quite a few people from my course, many of whom became great friends. A group of us try to meet and have dinner every now and again, despite living in different areas of the country. It's a really nice way of keeping track of how everyone is doing in the real world. As far as Birmingham graduates in the workplace go - you really do encounter other alumni everywhere you go.
What did you learn during your time at University that you’ve found really valuable since leaving?
A variety of things that I learned during my time at Birmingham have served me well as a graduate. Learning about how to properly analyse businesses and their activities as part of my MSc is probably what I use most regularly, since this forms a huge part of my everyday work. Perhaps the most valuable thing though came from my time working at Careers Network, during which I organised and ran my own event. Having to organise people and activities against a deadline was something that I was glad to have acquired experience in prior to graduating.

“Since leaving, I've stayed in contact with University Careers Network and a couple of times now I've come back to be a panel member on an event and just generally let current students know what it's like to graduate from Birmingham. Unfortunately, I live down in London - so visiting isn't as easy as it was from Selly Oak!”