Jackie (Xiang) Yue – China, Beijing
MSc Investments 2015
Plug and Play Tech Center, Corporate Innovation, Program Lead
Jackie graduated from the University of Birmingham with MSC of Investments and is currently working for Plug and Play Tech Center, which is one of global largest technology acceleration platforms. As a founding team member of Plug and Play China Jackie is; dedicated to cultivating an open eco-innovation platform, committed to energising technology innovation for large enterprises and startups and has devoted himself to cutting-edge investment.
Whilst working at Plug and Play China, Jackie has been a consultant for Fortune Global 500 listed corporates regarding the innovations’ needs, define concrete application scenarios, precise matchmaking between corporates and startups, support the steering and monitoring of the POC (proof of concept) landing process. He has also worked together with top corporates including China EVERBRIGHT Bank, SPD Bank, Bank of Communications, BNP Paribas, VISA, Daimler, WANDA, WANKE, etc.
Jackie has a deep understanding of, and focus on cutting-edge investment in field of FinTech, Mobility, IoT and AI.