Managing Employees Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic: Flexible working and the future of work

During the COVID-19 UK lockdown, many organisations have been forced to move the majority of their workforce to remote working, often at very short notice. In many cases these businesses had previously discouraged flexible working and had very little infrastructure in place to support these new ways of working.

This webpage presents new research part-funded by the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business and undertaken jointly by the Equal Parenting Project at the University of Birmingham and the Work Autonomy, Flexibility and Work-Life Balance team at the University of Kent, since lockdown. The research explores how line managers have been coping during the COVID-19 pandemic, how they and their organisations have supported employees during this time, and how these experiences impact their attitudes towards flexible working and working from home in the future. 

We also present the latest breaking news from our associates in the Equal Parenting Project team, and will update the page with videos, news and events to keep you fully up to date with all the latest from this important research.

Drs Sarah Forbes and Holly Birkett are associates of the Lloyds Banking Group Centre for Responsible Business - read more about our research here.

Read our post event report

Managing employees during the COVID-19 pandemic research report and latest news

Visit the Equal Parenting Project website

Dr. Holly Birkett and Dr. Sarah Forbes are leading the Equal Parenting project with the aim of improving the use of family friendly policies in the UK and encouraging equality in the workplace.


More about the Equal Parenting Project

Drs Sarah Forbes and Holly Birkett on Equal Parenting

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