CMR1900: Western Europe

Dr Clinton Bennett

Dr Clinton Bennett
  • CMR 1900 project
  • Team Leader, Western Europe
  • Section Editor, British Isles and Scandinavia

Clinton Bennett teaches Religious Studies at the State University of New York at New Paltz.

Clinton's PhD research analysed Western approaches to Islam against the background of colonialism and Christian mission, especially in India.  He focused in particular on how ideological presuppositions influenced scholars’ assessments of Islam.  He is also an ordained Baptist minister.  Publications include Understanding Christian-Muslim Relations (2008), Studying Islam: the critical issues (2009) and (as editor) the Bloomsbury Companion to Islamic Studies (2014) (all published by Bloomsbury).

Professor Emanuele Colombo

Professor Emanuele Colombo
  • CMR 1900 project
  • Section Editor, Italy and Malta

Professor Colombo is Associate Professor in Catholic Studies at DePaul University College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. His research interests include Church History (16th-19th centuries), Jesuit Missions, and Christian-Muslims Relationships in the Early Modern Age.

Professor Vincenzo Lavenia

Professor Vincenzo Lavenia
  • CMR 1900 project
  • Section Editor, Italy

Vincenzo Lavenia is associate professor in Early Modern History at the Department of History, Cultures and Civilizations of the University of Bologna, Italy.

Vincenzo Lavenia is associate professor in Early Modern History at the Department of History, Cultures and Civilizations of the University of Bologna, Italy. He was Ph.D. at the Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa (2001) and enseignant chercheur invité at the École Pratique des Hautes Études in Paris. His research interests include History of the Roman Church and Papal Inquisition, War and Religious Legitimacy of Violence, Early Modern Casuistry.

Among his publications: L'infamia e il perdono. Tributi, pene e confessione nella teologia morale della prima età moderna (Bologna, 2004); (dir., with A. Prosperi and J. Tedeschi), Dizionario storico dell'Inquisizione, 4 vols. (Pisa, 2010); (ed.), Storia del cristianesimo, vol. 3, L'età moderna (Rome, 2015); (ed.), 'Missiones castrenses': Jesuits and Soldiers between Pastoral Care and Violence, «Journal of Jesuit Studies», 4, 2017 (special issue);Turkophilia and Religion: Machiavelli, Giovio, and the Sixteenth-Century Debate about War, in Machiavelli, Islam and the East: Reorienting the Foundations of Modern Political Thought, eds. L. Biasiori & G. Marcocci (Basingstoke, 2018; (ed., with C. Zwierlein), Fruits of Migration: Heterodox Italian Migrants and Central European Culture 1550-1620 (Leiden-Boston, 2018); Dio in uniforme. Cappellani, catechesi cattolica e soldati in età moderna (Bologna, 2018).


Dr Alain Messaoudi

Dr Alain Messaoudi
  • CMR 1900 project
  • Section Editor, France

Alain Messaoudi is Maître de conférences en histoire contemporaine at the Université de Nantes, and a member of CRHIA-EA 1163 and an associate of l’IMAF-UMR 817.

Professor Luis F. Bernabé Pons

  • CMR 1900 project
  • Section Editor, Iberia

Professor Pons is a Professor of Arabic and Islamic Studies in the Department of Languages at the University of Alicante. He conducted his doctoral study on the Gospel of Barnabas and he is one of the most prominent researchers in Morisco Studies.