CMR 1900: Team

Christian-Muslim Relations

The CMR1900 project is global in reach, and is coordinated from the University of Birmingham.

Birmingham project office team

David Thomas is Emeritus Professor of Christianity and Islam at the University of Birmingham.

John Chesworth is member of Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham, Associate Fellow, Centre for Muslim-Christian Studies, Oxford, and Honorary Research Fellow at St. Stephen's House, Oxford.

Past team members

We are grateful for the past involvement of:

  • John Azumah - Team Leader for AFAM, 16th century
  • Sharon Carr-Wu - Project Assistant
  • Karoline Cooke – Section Editor for South America, 18th century
  • Sinead Cussen, Project Assistant
  • Dr Emma Gaze Loghin, Research Associate, CMR1900 Project
  • John-Paul Ghobrial - Section Editor for France, 16th century
  • Abdulkadir Hashim - Section Editor for Eastern Africa, 16th century
  • Şevket Küçükhüseyin - Section Editor for Germany, 16th century
  • Andrew Newman - Team Leader for MENA, Section Editor for Persia, 16th century
  • Radu Păun – Section Editor for South-East Europe
  • Mehdi Sajid – Section Editor for Germany, 17th and 18th centuries
  • Karel Steenbrink†– Section Editor for Netherlands 17th to 19th centuries
  • Davide Tacchini - Section Editor for Italy, 16th and 17th century
  • Ann Thomson – Section Editor for France, 17th and 18th centuries
  • Moussa Serge Traore - Section Editor for South America, 16th and 17th century