Centre members 

participants at the Wyndham Lewis workshop organised by the Centre for Modernist Cultures

Co-directors of the Centre

Dr Chris Mourant

Dr Chris Mourant

Lecturer in Early Twentieth-Century English Literature
Co-Director of the Centre for Modernist Cultures

Department of English Literature

I research twentieth-century prose fiction, with particular emphasis on modernism, empire and transnationalism, periodical studies and media history, and textual scholarship. My first monograph critically re-examined the writings of Katherine Mansfield. Currently, I am at work on a scholarly edition of E. M. Forster’s A Passage to India (1924) for CUP.

Dr Nathan Waddell

Dr Nathan Waddell

Associate Professor in Twentieth-Century Literature

Department of English Literature

I teach and research twentieth-century literature. My current research priorities are the lives and works of Wyndham Lewis (1882-1957), Aldous Huxley (1894-1963), George Orwell (1903-1950). All my research is collaborative—with students, postdoctoral scholars, university administrators, and individuals based outside of higher education—and I seek always to make my teaching similarly ...

Academic Staff and Fellows

Stuart N. Clarke

Independent Scholar
Honorary Fellow of the Centre for Modernist Cultures

Stuart N. Clarke co-founded the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain in 1998 and served as editor of the Virginia Woolf Bulletin for 23 years before stepping down in 2022.  His work as a distinguished textual editor includes volumes 5 and 6 of The Essays of Virginia Woolf (Hogarth Press, 2009 and 2011), A Room of One’s Own with David Bradshaw ...

Dr Rona Cran

Dr Rona Cran

Associate Professor in Twentieth-Century American Literature
Co-Director of the Centre for the Study of North America

Department of English Literature

My scholarship is interdisciplinary and centres on the literature and culture of New York City, queer writing, and modern American poetry.

Dr Eleanor Dobson

Dr Eleanor Dobson

Associate Professor in Nineteenth-Century Literature

Department of English Literature

My current work focuses on the reception of ancient Egypt in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. More broadly, I am interested in the materiality and history of the book, as well as notions of the supernatural and the occult, particularly as these ideas operate at the edges of a range of scientific discourses. I teach literature from the late eighteenth century to the present, with particular ...

Dr John Fagg

Dr John Fagg

Senior Lecturer in American Literature and Cultures

Department of English Literature

My work focuses on American art and literature and visual art in the early twentieth century and explores the ways in which cultural forms adapted to the new circumstances of American modernity.

Dr Rex Ferguson

Dr Rex Ferguson

Senior Lecturer in Modern Literature

Department of English Literature

Professor Andrzej Gasiorek

Professor Andrzej Gasiorek

Professor of Twentieth Century Literature

Department of English Literature

My research concentrates mainly on twentieth-century British literature, with a particular focus on modernism. I’ve published widely in this area. Key publications include such monographs as Postwar British Fiction: Realism and After (1995), Wyndham Lewis and Modernism (2003), J. G. Ballard (2005), and, most recently, A History of Modernist Literature(2015), as well as a number of ...

Professor Alexandra Harris

Professor Alexandra Harris

Birmingham Professorial Fellow

Department of English Literature

I enjoy thinking and writing about British art and literature of all periods, especially in relation to landscape, locality and the presence of the past. I am the author of ‘Romantic Moderns’ and ‘Weatherland: Writers and Artists under English Skies’, and my current projects include work on Virginia Woolf; seasonal ceremony and the marking of time; antiquarianism and local ...

Dr Oliver Herford

Dr Oliver Herford

Associate Professor in Nineteenth Century Literature

Department of English Literature

I work on British and American literature of the long nineteenth century, with a special focus on the late writings of Henry James. I am interested in the place of style in literary non-fiction, the practice of editing, and the relations between personal correspondence and other types of life-writing (autobiography, biography, and memoir). I teach widely across eighteenth-, nineteenth- and ...

Professor David James

Professor David James

Chair in Modern and Contemporary Literature

Department of English Literature

My research and teaching areas span twentieth- and twenty-first-century writing, with a particular focus on the history and theory of the novel. Most recently, I’ve been working on the politics and poetics of affect in contemporary fiction and life-writing, combining my interests in the history of emotions, disability studies, and narrative medicine.

Professor Deborah Longworth

Professor Deborah Longworth

Professor of English Literature
Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Education)

Department of English Literature

As PVC Education, Deborah is a member of University Executive Board, and supports the Vice-Chancellor in setting and implementing University strategy, with a specific strategic remit for excellence and innovation in teaching and learning. She provides academic leadership across the education portfolio, working closely with colleagues across the five Colleges, and with our Professional Services ...

Professor Rebecca N Mitchell

Professor Rebecca N Mitchell

Professor in Victorian Literature and Culture
Head of Department of English Literature

Department of English Literature

My scholarship focuses on Victorian literature and culture broadly defined, and I’m especially intrigued by the study and depiction of the creative process, the self/other relationship, and the textual/visual interface; these interests also drive my work in textual editing. I teach across the long nineteenth century.

Professor Daniel Moore

Professor Daniel Moore

Professor of English Literature
Head of English Drama and Creative Studies

Department of English Literature

I work on nineteenth and twentieth century literature and visual culture. I have published work on Henry James, Ford Madox Ford, Vernon Lee, Walter Pater and a range of other late Victorian and modernist art and literature.

Dr Rebecca Roach

Dr Rebecca Roach

Senior Lecturer in Contemporary Literature

Department of English Literature

My teaching and research focuses on 20th and 21st century literature and culture across the Anglophone world, with a particular emphasis on the relationship between literature, media and book history.

Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge

Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge

Interdisciplinary Chair of Humanities and Human Rights

Department of English Literature

Professor Lyndsey Stonebridge’s work focuses on twentieth-century and contemporary literature, political theory, and history, Human Rights, and Refugee Studies, drawing on the interdisciplinary connections between literature, history, politics, law, and social policy.

Stonebridge’s early work was concerned with the effects of modern violence on the mind in the twentieth and ...

Dr Emma West

Dr Emma West

Honorary Research Fellow

Department of English Literature

My research examines the relationship between modernism and popular culture in early- and mid-twentieth century Britain. My British Academy postdoctoral project, Revolutionary Red Tape (2017-22), examined how public servants and official committees helped to commission, disseminate and popularise modern British art, design, literature and culture.

Doctoral Researchers