
scientists in lab

Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI), often referred to as concussion, can result in long-term disability due to persistent headaches, imbalance, memory disturbance, and poor mental health, and ~30% have not returned to work or sport at 12 months.

mTBI-PREDICT is a long-term study that aims to identify the most accurate, reproducible and clinically practical biomarkers to better identify those at risk of long-term health issues after a head injury. This will be achieved through a harmonised program of detailed clinical phenotyping of acute mTBI patients coupled with state-of-the-art multimodal biomarker evaluation (brain imaging, fluid biomarkers, steroid hormones, visual, vestibular, and cerebral physiology). Our vision is to deliver a step change in the care of patients with mTBI and bring much needed advances in patient rehabilitation by revealing ground-breaking evidence to justify which biomarkers should be used to inform the diagnosis and early management of mTBI.

The project context

Mild TBI is common, with nearly 1.2 million hospital visits due to mTBI each year in the UK. Although classed as mild, it leads to a disproportionate impact on future health, with 3 in 10 patients unable to work 12 months after their injury. Mild TBI can be caused by physical impact to the head through accident, injury or sport, or due to the effects on the brain of shockwaves propagated by explosions – blast TBI. The consequences of mTBI are profound, with many patients suffering long-term disability due to persistent headaches, imbalance, memory disturbance and poor mental health. We cannot yet identify those patients most at risk of these disabling consequences. This is a clear unmet need which would allow targeting of treatments to improve patient outcomes.

Civilians and military to take part in major study to improve concussion prognosis

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