Baseline institutional sites constitute core ‘nodes’ of our international Network where our extended faculty is based. Prospective applicants for the project Funding Opportunities can consider making their application with the Network Sites as potential host institutions for Knowledge Exchange Fellowships, events, research groups, mentoring schemes or other Project related activities. These activities can lead, for example, to the production of academic outputs such as, for instance, papers, publications, translations or major grant applications. The Network Sites include a number of institutions and organisations from across a variety of disciplines and places around the globe:
1. Orygen, Melbourne, Australia (Contact: Professor Barnaby Nelson)
2. Santa Casa de São Paulo School of Medical Sciences, Brazil (Contact: Professor Guilherme Messas, Head of the Postgraduate Program on Phenomenological Psychopathology)
3. Centre for Health, Humanities and Science; and the Department of Philosophy, Bristol University, U.K. (Contact: Professor Havi Carel)
4. Department of Communication and Philosophy, Florida Gulf University, U.S.A. (Contact: Professor Kevin Aho, Chair of the Department)
5. UCD Centre for Ethics in Public Life, School of Philosophy, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland (Contact: Dr Danielle Petherbridge, Director of the Centre)
6. Film Studies Department, Queen Mary University, London, U.K. (Contact: Professor Lucy Bolton)
7. The Foundation for Psychiatry and Philosophy, Netherlands (Contact: Dr Wouter Kusters)
8. Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, The University of Tokyo, Japan (Contact: Professor Kohji Ishihara)
9. Heidelberg University, Psychiatric University Clinic, Germany (Contact: Professor Thomas Fuchs; Professor Marcin Moskalewicz)
10. Department of Philosophy, University of New Mexico, U.S.A. (Contact Professor Ann Murphy, Chair of Department)
11. University of Florence, Italy (Contact: Professor Giovanni Stanghellini)
12. Institute for Mental Health, University of Birmingham, U.K. (Contact: Professor Matthew Broome, Director of the Institute, Dr Lucienne Spencer or Dr Roxana Baiasu)
13. Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Department of Psycho-analysis and Clinical Consulting, Ghent University, Belgium (Contact: Professor Jasper Feyaerts)
14. Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, U.K. (Contact: Professor Paul Lodge, Professor Joseph Schear , Professor Mark Wrathall)
15. Department of Philosophy, University of York, U.K. (Contact: Professor Matthew Ratcliffe)
16. Department of Historical, Philosophical and Religious Studies Umeå University, Sweden (Contact: Dr Sofia Jeppsson).
17. The PhenoLab (Contact: Dr Francesca Brencio)
18. Department of Philosophy, California State University, U.S.A. (Contact: Dr Susi Ferrarello)
19. Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Department, Faculty of Nursing, Mansoura University, Egypt (Contact: Dr Nashwa Ibrahim)
20. Stanford University in Oxford, Oxford, U.K. (Contact: Dr Roxana Baiasu)
21. Department of Psychology, Duquesne Univerisity, U.S.A. (Contact: Dr Elizabeth Pienkos).
22. Department of Philosophy, University of Nottingham, U.K. (Contact Dr Ian James Kidd, Dr Craig French and Dr Joe Cunningham)
23. Department of Philosophy, University of Cardiff, U.K. (Contact Professor Jonathan Webber, Dr Lucy Osler and Dr Jonathan Mitchell)
24. The European Association of Phenomenology and Psychopathology (EAPP) Paris, France (Contact Professor Natalie Depraz and Professor Philippe Cabestan)
25. Departamento de filosofía, Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez, Chile (Contact: Dr Mauro Senatore).
26. Clínica psiquiátrica universitaria, Universidad de Chile, Chile (Contact: Dr Jonathan Veliz Uribe, Head of the Area of Philosophy and Sub-director of the Psychiatric Hospital of the Universidad de Chile)
27. Psychiatric Hospital, University of Zurich, Humanities in Mental Health and the Competence Centre for Language and Medicine, University of Zurich, Switzerland (Contact: Dr Anke Maatz)
28. Clinic for Psychiatry, University Clinical Centre of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia (Contact: Dr Janko Nešić and Dr Stefan Jerotic)
29 . Centre for Research in Post-Kantian Philosophy, the Philosophy Department, University of Warwick, U.K. (Contact: Dr Tobias Keiling).
30. Collaborating Centre for Values-based Practice, Oxford, U.K. (Professor Bill Fulford and Professor Ashok Handa; For contact please visit valuesbasedparctice.org)
31. Department of Philosophy, Department of Philosophy, University of Calicut, Kerala, India (Contact: Dr Robin E. J).
32. Department of Politics, Philosophy and International Relations, Swansea University, U.K. (Contact: Dr Anna Bortolan, Dr Gideon Calder and Dr Paddy McQueen).
33. "Francisc I. Rainer" Institute of Anthropology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania (Contact: Dr Valentin Toma and Dr. Richard David Rus).
34.Turku, Finland (Contact: Dr Polaris Koi)
35. Department of Psychiatry, University of Cambridge, U.K. (Contact: Dr Robert Dudas, Dr Graham Murray)
36. The Institute of Philosophy, Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary (Contact: Dr Judit Szalai)
37. Merlionsman Coaching & Consulting, Singapore (Contact: Mr Kevin Martens Wong)
38. The Institute for Philosophy “Alexandru Dragomir”, Bucharest, Romania (Contact: Dr Cristi Ciocan)
39. Philosophy of Mental Heath Unit, Department of Social Sciences and the Humanities, Poznan University of Medical Sciences, Poznan, Poland & Institute of Philosophy, Marie Sklodowska Curie Univeristy, Lublin, Poland (Contact: Professor Marcin Moskalewicz)
40. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Pretoria, South Africa (Contact: Professor Professor Werdie (CW) Van Staden)
41. The Institute for Philosophy, Leiden University, The Netherlands (Contact: Dr Rozemund Uljée)