State of the Region 2021

Welcome to State of the Region 2021 – the fifth annual review of performance across the West Midlands. 

This report is written on behalf of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), and all its partners, by the WM REDI partnership. It should be seen as a stocktake of where the region stands, it’s a snapshot of how the region is doing and where partners need to work together to improve the region. But this year, as last, it is still produced in extraordinary circumstances and it’s a call to action for everyone invested in the West Midlands (View last year’s report here).  

The State of the Region is a high-level report in comparison to its predecessors due to the wealth of research and supporting reports published throughout the pandemic. As in previous years, the report highlights the major challenges facing the region, its citizens and businesses and the challenge facing all bodies charged with improving the wellbeing, economy and environment. It is important to note this report was written in June 2021 and that some of the data included changes on a weekly basis. The latest data will be found in the weekly monitors as circumstances unfold.

This report endeavours to be an honest reflection of the current regional conditions, specifically highlighting the challenges faced in the next 12 months. However, the report is not attempting to suggest what the solutions are or whose responsibility it is to deliver them; this lies within strategies and action plans of all the regional partners, who own and deliver activities in the West Midlands. It is an executive summary as part of a suite of documents that highlights our evidence base and continuing to build our understanding of the performance of the region. There are challenges to understanding this performance and how partners change places for the better, not least understanding the causation and causality between action, output and outcomes. This document provides a balanced approach to regional monitoring and a useful tool to understand the progress the region is making through our combined action.

Read the full report here
Read the Executive Summary here
State of the Region 2021

State of the Region 2021 launch event


State of the Region 2021 – Informing Regional Decision Making in the West Midlands

By Chloe Billing, 19 August 2021

On the 4th August, WMREDI hosted the launch of the State of the Region Report. This report is written on behalf of the West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), and all its partners, by the WMREDI partnership. It presents a balanced approach to regional monitoring and is a useful tool to understand the progress the region is making.

Read the full article

State of the Region 2021 – The Key Challenges Facing the West Midlands

By Chloe Billing, 12 August 2021

On the 4th August 2021, WMREDI and partners held an event to launch the State of the Region 2021 report. Rebecca Riley, Administrative Director, City-REDI /WM REDI, University of Birmingham and Head of Research and Office for Data Analytics ODA, West Midlands Combined Authority (WMCA), provided an overview of this year’s State of the Region (SOTR) – looking back over the last year in the West Midlands and the challenges ahead.

Read the full article