Professor Aad van Moorsel
Head of School of Computer Science
Staff profile for Professor Aad van Moorsel for the School of Computer Science
- Email: a.vanmoorsel@bham.ac.uk
Head of School of Computer Science
Staff profile for Professor Aad van Moorsel for the School of Computer Science
Professor in Natural Computation
Staff profile for Professor Jon Rowe, Professor in Natural Computation at the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham.
Honorary Professor of AI and Cognitive Science
Professor Aaron Sloman's academic profile.
Assistant Professor in Financial Economics
Paola Paiardini is a Lecturer in Financial Economics at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham.
Assistant Professor of Data Science and Artificial Intelligence
Staff profile for Dr Alexander Krull
Birmingham Fellow
Department of Linguistics and Communication
Biographical and contact information for Dr Akira Murakami, Teaching Fellow in the Department of English Language and Linguistics at the University of Birmin...
Associate Professor
Dr Dietmar Heinke is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Psychology.
Professor of Biostatistics
Staff profile for Lucinda Billingham, Professor of Biostatistics and Director of Biostatistics, Cancer Research UK Clinical Trials Unit (CRCTU), University o...
Professor of Corpus Linguistics
Department of Linguistics and Communication
Biographical and contact information for Professor Jack Grieve, Professor of Corpus Linguistics at the University of Birmingham.