Why are my views important?
We want to understand your views and experiences of consultations in reproductive and sexual health services. For example, we will ask about your views on different methods of conducting consultations such as face-to-face, over the telephone, or online. We will also ask for your views on impacts for different population groups. Your answers will help us to improve care and support.
Who is taking part in the study?
We are asking a range of people who work in or are connected to reproductive and sexual health services if they would be interested in giving a one-to-one interview. We plan to carry out around 45 interviews in total.
Where can I find out more information?
Read the attached Participant Information Leaflet for Healthcare Professionals for more information about the study aims and organisation, what will happen if you take part, and information about confidentiality and how your data will be used. You can also contact our study research team on +44(0)121 414 6486 or CONNECT-Study@contacts.bham.ac.uk.
How do I get involved?
If you are interested in getting involved, follow the below link to an Expression of Interest (EoI) Form which includes a Screening Questionnaire. The EoI asks for your name, and contact details to enable the researcher to contact you, and it collects some information about your background (to ensure a wide range of people take part in the research).
CONNECT Expression of Interest - Healthcare Professional Stakeholder
Once you have completed the survey, we will contact you to let you know if you have been selected for interview, and arrange a suitable date and time to meet (if applicable).
Alternatively, you can contact our researcher on +44(0)121 414 6486 or CONNECT-Study@contacts.bham.ac.uk who can explain to you more about the study aims and the next steps.