The CONNECT study

virtual medical appointment

This research project aims to understand the impact of remote consultations in sexual and reproductive health services on health inequalities, and to co-develop recommendations for the provision of inclusive and patient led consultations. The study involves a mixed methods analysis using three case study areas (Birmingham, London and South West Wales).

Funded by National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR), Health and Social Care Delivery Research (HS&DR) NIHR153151

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The COVID-19 pandemic led to a rapid move from in-person (face-to-face) consultations for sexual and reproductive health services to remote consultations (by telephone, video, online or text). There are several potential advantages related to remote consultations. However, the limitations associated with remote consultations might reinforce existing inequalities and could lead to poorer outcomes for disadvantaged groups. Little is known about how best to carry out remote consultations to minimise risks and maximise potential benefits in this area. 

Meet the Team

Dr Louise Jackson

Chief Investigator


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Louise Jackson

Professor Jonathan Ross 

Lead Co-Investigator


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Image of Jonathan Ross 2018

Dr Charlotte Owen

Research Fellow


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Charlotte Owen

Professor Iestyn Williams

Health Services Management Centre, University of Birmingham

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Iestyn Williams

Nuria Marquez

Research Fellow

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Anna Tostevin

Data Manager

Jo Josh

Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement Lead

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Dr Melvina Woode Owusu

Inclusion Lead

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Melvina Headshot

Mrs Sarah Moorlock

Project Manager

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Dr Danielle Solomon

University College London (UCL)

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Dr Jo Gibbs

University College London (UCL)

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Professor Fiona Burns

University College London (UCL)

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Professor Andrew Copas

University College London (UCL)

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Dr Helen Munro

Hywel Dda University Health Board 

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Dr John Saunders

University College London (UCL)

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Dr Tom Witney
University College London (UCL)

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Aims of the Project

This research will answer the following questions:

• How has the introduction of remote consultations impacted on health inequalities in terms of access to sexual and reproductive health services and on clinical outcomes?

• What are the experiences of clinicians and patients of remote service delivery and what can be done to reduce inequality?

• How can remote sexual and reproductive health consultations best be delivered going forward?

Overview of Study

This research has three work packages. First, we will examine existing published evidence and guidance on remote consultations in sexual and reproductive health services and impacts on inequalities. Secondly, we will evaluate changes to patient consultations in three case study areas by analysing data from clinic records before and after the increased use of remote consultations.  Patients, clinicians, service managers and commissioners will be interviewed to obtain their views and experiences. The final work package will bring the study findings together, working with key stakeholders to develop recommendations and guidance.

Insights from patients and the public have been integral to the development of our plans and will be integral to the management and delivery of the research we are planning to conduct. In this way, and importantly, the study will improve future patient care by informing service planning and provision.

Study Location

The study is being run in the following locations:

  • Umbrella at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust (UHB): Birmingham, and Solihull (open for recruitment)
  • Central and North West London NHS Foundation Trust (CNWL): Barnet, Camden, Haringey and Islington (open for recruitment)
  • Hywel Dda University Health Board: Carmarthenshire, Ceredigion and Pembrokeshire (open for recruitment)

Getting Involved - Patients/Service Users or Potential Service Users 

Why are my views important?

We want to know about your experiences of having an appointment, or trying to make an appointment, with contraception and sexual health services. For example, we will ask what you think about different ways you can have a consultation - e.g. face-to-face, over the telephone or online. Your answers will help us to check that we are providing the right kinds of care and support.

Who is taking part in the study? 

We are asking all patients if they would be interested in giving a one-to-one interview. We plan to carry out around 60 interviews in total. Should you decide not to participate in the study, it will not affect your care in any way.

Where can I find out more information? 

Read the attached Participant Information Leaflet for Service Users/Potential Service Users for more information about the study aims and organisation, what will happen if you take part and information about confidentiality and how your data will be used. You can also contact our study research team on +44(0)121 414 6486 or

How do I get involved? 

If you are interested in getting involved, contact our researcher on +44(0)121 414 6486 or who can explain to you more about the study aims and the next steps.

Getting Involved - Healthcare Professionals and Stakeholders

Why are my views important?

We want to understand your views and experiences of consultations in reproductive and sexual health services. For example, we will ask about your views on different methods of conducting consultations such as face-to-face, over the telephone, or online.  We will also ask for your views on impacts for different population groups. Your answers will help us to improve care and support.

Who is taking part in the study? 

We are asking a range of people who work in or are connected to reproductive and sexual health services if they would be interested in giving a one-to-one interview. We plan to carry out around 45 interviews in total. 

Where can I find out more information? 

Read the attached Participant Information Leaflet for Healthcare Professionals for more information about the study aims and organisation, what will happen if you take part, and information about confidentiality and how your data will be used. You can also contact our study research team on +44(0)121 414 6486 or

How do I get involved? 

If you are interested in getting involved, follow the below link to an Expression of Interest (EoI) Form which includes a Screening Questionnaire. The EoI asks for your name, and contact details to enable the researcher to contact you, and it collects some information about your background (to ensure a wide range of people take part in the research). 

CONNECT Expression of Interest - Healthcare Professional Stakeholder

Once you have completed the survey, we will contact you to let you know if you have been selected for interview, and arrange a suitable date and time to meet (if applicable). 

Alternatively, you can contact our researcher on +44(0)121 414 6486 or who can explain to you more about the study aims and the next steps.


For further information or to get involved, contact the Study Research Team on: