Training and Support

We offer training and advice for researchers and members of the public as well as signposting to external training.

Drop in advice sessions

Together with colleagues at University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, the Patient and Public Involvement and Engagement (PPIE) team run twice monthly drop-in advice sessions for researchers keen to talk through how best to plan and carry out involvement and engagement for their projects.

You can book onto one of these 30-minute sessions by emailing

Do you have a question on Patient & Public Involvement in Research? Sign-up for one of our regular drop-in sessions for tailored advice. Support is available at any stage of research and all levels of experience. Individual advice slots. Signposting & resources. Twice per month, 12, 15 & 28 September, 14 October and 3 & 16 November. Book your slot by contacting PPI at (booking essential).

External training

College of Medical and Dental Sciences PPIE Training Programme

The team also lead the College of Medical and Dental Sciences PPIE Training Programme. To register your interest for one of our sessions or learn more about what is on offer for you, please contact