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Postal address
Research and Knowledge Transfer Office 
Medical School
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT


Follow us on Twitter: @UOB_MDSRKTO

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Office roles and contact details

Director of Research and Knowledge Transfer: Professor Paul Moss
E: T: 0121 414 2824 

Director of Operations: Dr Kate Bishop
E:  T: 0121 414 3115

Deputy Director of Operations (Research Knowledge and Transfer): Mrs Wilma Van Riel
E: T: 0121 414 3115

Research and Knowledge Transfer Executive Assistant: Nicola Beaumont
E: T: 0121 414 7612 

Research and Knowledge Transfer Office Secretary: Ms Yvonne Dawson
E: T: 0121 414 4054

College Research Support Administrator (Post Award): Dr Guojin Liu
E: T: 0121 414 9299

Research Development Team

The Research Development Team provides strategic input, support for research funding applications, approvals, implementation and management processes, and includes a growing team of specialised administrative/research management staff.

Research Support Partner: Antonia Chatzopoulou Chatzi (

Senior Research Facilitator (Institute of Applied Health Research, Clinical Trails, and the School of Biomedical Sciences): Holly Smith (

Senior Research Facilitator (Institutes of Immunology & Immunotherapy and Microbiology & Infection, and the School of Dentistry): Claire Butler (

Research Facilitator (Institute of Cancer & Genomic Sciences and the Medical School): Carla Galinha (

Research Facilitator (Institute of Institutes of Cardiovascular Sciences and Metabolism & Systems Research, and the School of Pharmacy): Tim Giles (

Research Facilitator (Institute of Inflammation & Ageing and the School of Nursing and Midwifery): Helen Williams (

Research Support Officer: Philip Jones (

Research Support Officer (part-time): Nathaniel Byrne (

Clinical Research Compliance Team

The clinical research compliance team is responsible for developing an infrastructure for researchers involved in clinical trials. The team also takes on responsibilities relating to sponsor oversight such as audits and quality checks.

Clinical Research Compliance Manager (Laboratories): Dr Leanne Stones:
E: T: 0121 414 7756

Clinical Research Compliance Manager: Jamil Mahmood:
E: T: 0121 414 6894

Director of the Advanced Therapies Facility (ATF): Dr Jane Steele
E: T: 0121 415 8776 (Mrs Leigh Challinor)

Governance Support Officer: Mrs Leigh Challinor
E: T: 0121 415 8776

Senior Compliance Facilitator: Mrs Katie Stant
E: T: 0121 414 7756

Senior Compliance Facilitator (Laboratories): vacant

Compliance Officer LES: Dr Jamie Pugh
E: T: 0121 414 4103

Clinical Trials Monitor: Miss Emma Keen
E: T: 0121 414 9223

Compliance Support Officer: Ms Leanne Beckett
E: T: 0121 414 4103 

Postgraduate Research and Postdoctoral Training and Development (PERCAT)

The postgraduate research, training and development team incorporates the College’s Graduate School and has the primary responsibility for the management and development of postgraduate research across the College. The team also provides dedicated support to the Head of Clinical Academic Training and works with the Head of Postdoctoral Training and Career Development.

Operations Manager (Postgraduate Research Programmes): Karen Carter
E: T: 0121 141 8203

Clinical Academic Training Manager: Mrs Charlotte Maybury
E: T: 0121 414 6886

PERCAT Projects Manager: Ms Lesley Bodenham
E: T: 0121 414 2967

Doctoral Training Programme Coordinator: Vikki Harrison

Postgraduate Research Administrators:

Institue of Applied Health Research, School of Nursing and Midwifery and MRes Clinical Health Research: Catherine Taylor

Institute of Cardiovascular Sciences, Institute of Cancer and Genomic Sciences: David Piela

Institute of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Inflammation and Ageing, and Microbiology and Infection: Leah Bailey

Institute of Clinical Sciences, Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research: Viktorija Ziabliceva

Business Engagement and Technology Transfer Team

The Technology Transfer Team promotes translational aspects of research across the College, and provides support to all Schools in developing and exploiting the commercial potential of research.

Business Engagement Partner (MDS): Mrs Anne Simper
E: T: 0121 414 4056

Business Engagement Partner (MDS): Ms Cathy Wardius
E: T:  01214149102

Business Engagement Officer (MDS): Ms Jess Stede

Acting Technology Transfer Officer: Ryan Brown
E: T: 0121 371 8043 

Partnership Management and International Engagement Team

The Partnership Management Team provides a wide variety of support for strategic research projects and programmes within the College, including those that involve national and international partners. 

Acting Strategic Project Manager:  Claire Fenlon
E: T: 0121 371 8043

Strategic Project Officer: Mrs Linda Briscoe
E: T: 0121 371 8112

MRC-ARUK Centre for Musculoskeletal Ageing Research Centre Facilitator: Dr Lisa Fuller
E: T: 0121 371 8114

Inflammation Project Manager: Mrs Rebecca Birch
E: T: 0121 371 8115

Project Manager: Dr Daniel Mekic
E: T: 0121 371 8110