Dr Ildem Akerman

Birmingham Fellow | Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research


Where were you previously located?

Institute of Human Genetics (IGH), Montpellier, France. 

What attracted you to the University of Birmingham?

The Birmingham Fellowship provides a strong foundation for a great start as a new principal investigator. However, the decisive factor for me in choosing University of Birmingham was the unique style of leadership I came across at the Institute of Metabolism and Systems Research (ISMR). IMSR is run by a group of constructive and forward thinking scientists and this generates a productive environment for all researchers within the institute. 

What are you hoping to accomplish while in Birmingham?

I am hoping to establish and expand my research group taking full advantage of the state-of-the-art facilities available at the University. I am also looking forward to be involved in innovative projects with clinical scientists based in my institute to generate scientific discoveries that have bigger impact in healthcare.

What medical discovery are you hoping will be achieved in your lifetime? 

Medical advancement is now a strong pillar of economic growth, hence I expect that we will be able to cure many diseases and prolong healthy human lifespan to its maximum in my lifetime, or in the coming century. My hope is that through careful social legislation, these wonderful discoveries would be available to all. 

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Ildem Akerman profile