The Department of Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering is very pleased to have achieved a very good performance in the Research Excellence Framework (REF) – the system for assessing the quality of research in UK higher education institutions. We are ranked in the top 10 for Engineering research in the UK for GPA and 4* research (REF 2021).
Research in Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Birmingham addresses key challenges, problems and opportunities currently facing our civilisation, in power, communications, transport, healthcare and human-systems integration. Our academics lead research on the development of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS).
EESE research is organised into three research themes, as shown in the links above, reflecting our wide ranging expertise.
EESE has a total annual research grant income of around £4 million, from a wide range of sources including the European Union, UK Research Councils, UK Government agencies, charities, and Industry both in the UK and internationally.
Also in 'Electronic, Electrical and Systems Engineering'