
The FutureStructure group is delivering cutting-edge research to advance structural engineering practices, pushing the boundaries for future-proof and intelligent structures. We are pioneers in original research that matters with a mission to streamline sustainability, resilience and digitalisation of structures.

The futurestructures logo depicts a sketch of a suspension bridge and tall buildingsWe are publishing prolifically, cultivating the next generation of multidisciplinary scientists, actively shaping standards such as Eurocodes and British Standards. We play a central role in infrastructure maintenance, addressing ageing, climate impacts on structures and actively contributing to the achievement of the United Nations SDGs. Our expertise in computational analysis, generative materials and design, digital modelling and intelligent computing aligns with these goals, facilitating the evolution of engineering theory and practice, and ultimately enhancing the industry of future structures.


We are delivering globally recognised research on:

  • Structural resilience and robustness against natural and human-induced hazards
  • Advanced structural design
  • Smart and sustainable materials
  • Digitalisation and intelligent computing for infrastructure
  • Sustainable Energy Systems
  • Railway and infrastructure engineering


We are building strong partnerships with universities, professional bodies and industry to translate University of Birmingham's expertise into real-world recovery strategies used by policy makers. We are actively promoting sustainability through pioneering research in adaption of building and infrastructure design, to meet the future requirements and goals associated with climate change. We enrich research and education aligned with sustainable development goals and EU circular economy action plan.

We actively participate with networks and projects related to Net-Zero, promotng retrofitting solutions and novel adaptive materials for structures (repairability, adjustability, self-healing) for new and aging infrastructure, to enable weight reduction at no expense of structural performance, as well as bring old structures to current or future design demands.

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