Game Theory

Module Overview

This module presents game theory as the study of decision-making in competitive situations. It provides an introduction to the theory of finite and infinite games with a particular emphasis on 2-person games. All results will be presented in a rigorous way and accompanied, wherever possible, by showing economic applications. This module also demonstrates that the results and concepts of other branches of mathematics (like the fixed point theorem, convexity, duality) have practical interpretation and use.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the module you should be able to:

  • Understand and use the main concepts of game theory like optimal strategies, stable sets and the core of the game
  • Formulate games from economic narratives
  • Use a range of methods for solving these games

  • Explore these topics beyond the taught syllabus


10 credits

Teaching Methods

22 hours of lectures 
5 hours of back-up classes


Will be specified by the lecturer in the first week of term.