Understanding the Common and Diverse Needs of Autistic Adults and Young People

This module aims to give you knowledge of the multiple barriers associated with autism, based on current research and theoretical understandings. The module will enable you to understand the implications of this body of knowledge for the support of adults with autism throughout the ability range and in a range of different settings.

The module will give you 20 credits at Postgraduate Masters Level/Level 7.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • understand autistic spectrum conditions as developmental with a wide range of manifestations in terms of learning needs and associated barriers
  • recognise the diverse and common needs of autistic individuals, based on current research and theoretical understandings and to understand the need for a personalised approach to the support and further education of autistic adults throughout the ability range and in a range of different settings
  • understand the history and development of theoretical ideas relating to autism and how these have been influenced and changed by autistic perspectives
  • critically appraise the current evidence base and identify gaps and limitations which could be addressed by future research


You will be assessed through a range of work, enabling you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understanding of the theory and practical application of the module material. 

You will have one specific formative assessment (where you receive informal feedback, but it does not count towards your module grade) and two components of summative assessment (which are each graded).  

Through this comprehensive range of assessment components, your professional and academic careers will be enhanced.