Evaluation and Policy Analysis for Inclusive Education

This module is primarily concerned with developing your understanding of how to analyse and evaluate the quality of policies and practices in relation to inclusion and the education of children with special educational needs and disability (SEND).

You will be supported to identify relevant developments in theory and practice and specific topics for reflection in relation to current educational / SEND issues.

This module is also concerned with developing your understanding and critical appraisal of current literature related to evaluating practices, programme evaluation, and policy analysis, as well as underlying theory and concepts. You will consider principles and practicalities related to policies, research, and provision that will improve standards for children with SEND, e.g.

  • Identifying and assessing SEND
  • Families and inclusion in the community
  • Different approaches to SEND in practice
  • Policies related to SEND practice and their efficacy and effectiveness
  • Organisational structures in schools and social systems that impact inclusive education practices

Learning outcomes

By the end of the module, you will be able to:

  • demonstrate a coherent and critical understanding of the causal, developmental and interactional nature of the needs of children with SEND and to apply this knowledge in your own settings where appropriate
  • show critical awareness and reflective understanding of the ethos and principles in meeting the needs of children with SEND and illustrate how this ensures high quality practice
  • identify and use a wide range of relevant sources to support evidence-based learning which is related to excellence in the quality of practice for children and young people with SEND
  • illustrate an understanding of how evidence-based assessment and progression in learning is essential when working with children with SEND
  • apply policy analysis techniques and theories to a specific case or context
  • synthesize knowledge of evaluation and assessment tools to understand where and when to apply certain modes of enquiry and analysis to programmes and settings


You will be assessed through a range of work, enabling you to demonstrate your knowledge, skills and understanding of the theory and practical application of the module material. 

You will have one specific formative assessment (where you receive informal feedback, but it does not count towards your module grade) and one summative assessment (which is graded). 

Through this comprehensive range of assessment components, your professional and academic careers will be enhanced.