New high-throughput platform to unlock the potential of advanced materials

Dr Jason Stafford has developed a new high-throughput platform that produces libraries of nanomaterials, using sustainable mechanochemical approaches. Find out more at the Advanced Materials Show and ChemUK2024 in May.

Datasheet: HTP mechanochemical platform for 2D materials and formulations


Two-dimensional (2D) materials have the potential to transform existing technologies and lead to future breakthroughs that are not possible with materials available today, especially on commercial scales.

A major challenge to developing new 2D materials and applications is the limitations of processing capabilities (both at lab and industrial scales).

Liquid phase exfoliation has been shown to be a promising technique for synthesising 2D materials. In this process, mechanical forces induce shear stresses that separate and isolate nanosheets to create stable dispersions which are maintained through chemical means (e.g., using appropriate solvents, surfactants and/or additives). This is typically achieved by applying ultrasonication (at lab scale) or using stirred vessels and homogenisers.

A new, sustainable approach for materials and chemical manufacturing is mechanochemistry – It also uses mechanical forces to induce chemical reactions but requires low or no solvent usage (e.g. ball milling).

Both techniques have a major limitation – they are difficult to scale, difficult to control, and even more difficult to automate.

Our solution - the best of both, faster

The researchers of the University of Birmingham take a brand-new approach to the current state-of-the-art in both fields of 2D materials and mechanochemistry. The new digital mechanochemical platform can be programmed to produce advanced materials and product formulations all the way from dilute liquid suspensions to dry solid powders. This unique capability is high-throughput and can enable both laboratories and industry to design and accelerate the deployment of 2D materials and other advanced materials at scale, much faster and while simultaneously aligning with green chemistry principles.


  • High-throughput (16 vessels, up to 36 vessels) volume (10 ml, up to 300 ml)
  • Works with standard laboratory glassware or custom vessels
  • Versatile (from liquid suspensions to dry powders)
  • Allows solvent-free reactions using controlled mechanical force
  • Green chemistry
  • Fully autonomous with limited user input
  • Temperature control (-25 to 150 oC)
  • Robust and resistant to blockages
  • Standalone and portable system
  • Reduction in process preparation time
  • Significant reduction in R&D time and resources
  • Significant reduction in manufacturing time


  • 2D materials
  • Graphene
  • Nanomaterials
  • Formulations (e.g., multi-functional inks, pastes, paints)
  • Pharmaceuticals/Drug discovery

Patent status

Filed and pending.

Our innovator

Dr Jason Stafford, Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering

Contact us

For patent enquiries, or to book an appointment to speak to Dr Stafford at the Advanced Materials Show  or ChemUK2024 on 15 or 16 May, contact Dr Anna Isakova, from University of Birmingham Enterprise. 

Email Dr Anna Isakova

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