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Latest News from INLOGOV

Latest News from INLOGOV.

University of Birmingham Aston Webb building

Latest News from INLOGOV.

Photo of someone writing

INLOGOV, the Health Services Management Centre (HSMC) and the Medical School Public Health faculty are delighted to announce that they will be delivering the new Aspiring Public Health Leaders' programme from 2017, in partnership with Public Health England. 

This programme is designed for those who aspire to director-level roles focussed on improving the public’s health. We know that high performance in these roles calls for leaders capable of working in volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous environments, to be skilled at building relationships across whole systems of public service provision, and able to operate effectively in a dynamic political landscape. This new programme focuses on enabling aspiring senior public health leaders to find ways of working successfully in this challenging context, so that they are able to build and sustain necessary strategic partnerships, and collaborate to deliver health improvements for local communities.

The programme will use the 21st Century Public Leader principles developed by Professor Catherine Needham and Catherine Mangan from INLOGOV to create opportunities for participants to fulfil their potential as leaders

HSMC, INLOGOV and Medical School Public Health faculty are together well placed to offer this programme because of their experience and track record in delivering national programmes for the NHS Leadership Academy and the Local Government Association, as well as  regional and bespoke courses and programmes for Health Education England and other health and care organisations. As partners in the University of Birmingham Public Service Academy, HSMC and INLOGOV are able to maximise the impact of the University's work with public services by identifying and co-ordinating research, facilitating collaborative networks and building new relationships.

We are delighted to welcome two new members of INLOGOV who will both join us at the start of July:

Dr Louise Reardon has accepted the position of lecturer in the Department. Louise is currently a research fellow in government and transport policy at the Institute for Transport Studies at Leeds University.  Louise's research and teaching interests will both complement and supplement our current work and we very much look forward to welcoming her.

Dr Alison Gilchrist will also join us as Research Fellow on Dr Catherine Durose's Smart Urban Intermediaries project. Alison has previously worked as a community development worker in inner-city neighbourhoods in Bristol and subsequently taught community and youth work at the University of the West of England.  She worked for the Community Development Foundation between 1999 and 2009 and subsequently as an independent consultant, offering skills and expertise in community support, action research, group facilitation, organisation development and policy advice.

Within her role as Director of the Public Services Academy, Catherine Mangan has been funded by the ESRC impact accelerator account to work with the new West Midlands Combined Authority to develop a workforce strategy, based on the 21st Century Public Servant research. Workforce development is an 'enabling' strand of the Public Service Reform work and the secondment involves:

  • Conducting research into the leadership development programmes offered by councils, WM Police and WM fire service, to identify areas where WMCA organisations can work more closely together.
  • Developing proposals for collaborative leadership approaches across organisations.
  • Sitting on the Public Service Reform working group to ensure workforce issues are recognised within the proposals for public service reform
  • Participating in the HR leads group to identify potential areas to work together more closely across the region, for example developing apprenticeship offers in public service leadership.

For more details on this work contact Catherine Mangan, email:

Photo of someone presenting on faculty day

We held a very enjoyable faculty day on 02 May 2017, where staff, students and academics spent time sharing ideas, learning from each other and focusing on the future.  View all of the thought provoking presentations.

Participants discussed how to create a better sense of a community of practice, research priorities, the role of INLOGOV and how we communicate our work more effectively.  

We will hold another faculty event in the autumn.

In April, Professor. Catherine Staite gave her inaugural lecture. Catherine  is actually our newest professor  entitled 'Do we expect too much of leaders' and covered leadership models from the 19th century onwards in order to cast light on our understanding of leadership in today's public services.

Professor Staite's lecture was introduced by Professor Tim Jones, Provost and Vice-Principal of the University of Birmingham. Professor Jones spoke about Professor Staite's background in the legal and public sectors, including roles at North Humberside MIND, the Legal Services Commission and the Audit Commission.

More details on the lecture can be found here: Professor leads inaugural lecture audience to successful evening.

To keep up to date with the latest news and insight from INLOGOV and its staff and students please visit our website and our blog. Also, be sure to follow us on twitter and LinkedIn