Professor Catherine Mangan

Professor Catherine Mangan

Department of Public Administration and Policy

Contact details

School of Government
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Catherine is a Professor of Public Management and Leadership in the Institute of Local Government Studies. She has a background as a policy maker and practitioner in public service and as such as a particular research interest in developing research which can deliver change within the public sector.  Her research-informed areas of interest include developing the public service workforce, leadership and the integration of health and social care.

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  • LM level 7 Post Graduate Diploma in Executive and Leadership Management Coaching
  • Post Graduate Conversion Diploma to Psychology, London Guildhall University, 1998
  • BA Hons English and American Literature, University of Kent, 1993


Catherine has a particular research interest in delivering change within the public sector and her areas of interest include the integration of health and social care, developing the future workforce and leadership of public services. She co-convenes the leadership of public services module for the Department’s Masters and degree apprenticeship programmes in Public Management and Public Administration and co-convenes programmes on integrating health and social care and international public management. 

Catherine develops and delivers leadership programmes including the National Graduate Development Programme, the Aspiring Directors of Public Health programme and the Total Leadership programme for aspiring chief executives. She carries out research in social care and in particular the relationship between different parts of the system and how that impacts on outcomes for service users and their families. She is a qualified executive coach and writes regularly for academic journals and the professional press. 


Current and Recent Research 

  • The 21st Century Public Servant research (Needham and Mangan, 2014) has reshaped the approach to workforce development across local public services and has been recognised by the local government sector as having ‘established a blue print – looking at the skills, values and identities of the future public service workforce. 21st Century Public Servant research findings provide a helpful framework to assess needs and build talent for the future’. (Local Government Association’s workforce strategy document p10, LGA 2018).   The influence of the research was recognised by our nomination for a Founders award in 2018. 
  • Research into the relationships between officers and members in Birmingham City Council.
  • ESRC impact accelerator account funded secondment to the West Midlands Combined Authority to research and evaluate a regional strategy for workforce development.
  • The Future of Public Service Leadership (funded by the Institute of Leadership and Management).  This is an inter-disciplinary bid led by Prof Kiran Trehan from the Business School which explores the impact of technology and digital services on public service leadership.
  • Department of Health and Social Care research project on the implementation of personalisation and market shaping approaches in social care. My focus is on the skills development and workforce aspects of both of these agendas.
  • AHRC funded evaluation of the Public Collaboration Lab, an innovative partnership focused on sharing skills between local government officers and design students at the University of the Arts London.
  • Small Business Initiative Grant funded national evaluation of using telecare to change the approach to caring for people with learning disabilities in supported living.  This led to insights into the different working practices required to enable carers to make effective use technology. 
  • Evaluation of the national Home Truth programme to identify the barriers to integrated working between social workers and GPs.  This led to a further larger research project funded by the Academic Health and Science Network West Midlands from which we developed a joint training programme and adapted training materials. 
  • Department of Health and LGA funded project to develop national standards for commissioning for better outcomes in adult care.  We developed a national set of standards which are used by councils across England to benchmark practice and underpin peer reviews.  This led to ESRC Impact Accelerator funding to explore the impact of the national standards on commissioning practice.

Other activities

  • School Governor
  • Volunteer for National Trust


Recent publications


Mangan, C, Miller, R & Brown, H 2016, Integrated Care in Action: A Practical Guide for Health, Social Care and Housing Support . Jessica Kingsley Publishers.


Mangan, C, Needham, C, McKenna, D & Lowther, J 2024, 'Making a difference? Attracting new generations into local government ', Local Government Studies.

Allen, K, Burn, E, Hall, K, Mangan, C & Needham, C 2023, '‘They Made an Excellent Start…but After a While, It Started to Die Out’, Tensions in Combining Personalisation and Integration in English Adult Social Care', Social Policy and Society, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 172-186.

Needham, C, Allen, K, Burn, E, Hall, K, Mangan, C, Al-Janabi, H, Tahir, W, Carr, S, Glasby, J, Henwood, M & McKay, S 2022, 'How do you shape a market? Explaining local state practices in adult social care', Journal of Social Policy.

Needham, C, Griffiths, E & Mangan, C 2021, '‘While you’re there, can you just…’ the emotional labour of role extending in public services', Public Money & Management.

Bramley, G, Mangan, C & Conroy, M 2018, 'Using telemonitoring to support personal care planning for adults with learning disabilities', Journal of Telemedicine and Telecare.

Needham, C, Mastracci, S & Mangan, C 2017, 'The emotional labour of boundary spanning', Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 25, no. 4, pp. 288-300.

Mangan, C 2016, '"Being brave" - a case study of how an innovative peer review approach led to service improvement', Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 24, no. 4, pp. 201 - 213.

Needham, C & Mangan, C 2016, 'The 21st-century public servant: working at three boundaries of public and private', Public Money & Management, pp. 265-272.

Durose, C, Needham, C, Mangan, C & Rees, J 2015, 'Generating 'good enough' evidence for co-production', Evidence and Policy.

Mangan, C, Miller, R & Ward, C 2015, 'Knowing me, knowing you: inter-professional working between general practice and social care', Journal of Integrated Care, vol. 23, no. 2, pp. 62-73.


Needham, C, Mangan, C, Bottom, K & Parker, S 2020, Elected Officials in an Era of Austerity: Stewards, Mediators, and Catalysts. in H Sullivan, H Dickinson & H Henderson (eds), The Palgrave Handbook of the Public Servant.

Commissioned report

Needham, C, Allen, K, Burn, E, Hall, K, Mangan, C, Al-Janabi, H, Tahir, W, Carr, S, Glasby, J, Henwood, M, McKay, S & Brant, I 2020, Shifting Shapes: how can local care markets support personalised outcomes?.

Glasby, J, Newbigging, K, Mangan, C, Miller, R & Ward, C 2015, Commissioning for better outcomes: a route map. Local Government Association. <>

Raine, J, Mangan, C & Watt, P 2015, The Impact of Local Authority Trading Standards in Challenging Times: Research Report. Department of Business, Innovation and Skills, London. <>

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Communities and Cohesion

Public services especially local government, social care. Leadership of public services, including political leadership.  Future public service workforce.  Partnership working and collaboration, integration of health and social care. 

Health and Social Care

Integration of health and social care.  Future of social care including future workforce.