Call for proposals

Generative Futures in Higher Education: Navigating the Impact of AI on Teaching, Learning, and Innovation

The call for proposals to the 2024 University of Birmingham Education Excellence conference is now open. The conference will be held across two days: on 18th September at the Dubai campus and 19 September 2024 at the Edgbaston campus. 

Five sub-themes will be explored during the conference: 

  • GAI-Resilient assessment. 
  • Generative AI for enhanced learning gain. 
  • Enhancing graduate attributes in an AI-enabled world. 
  • Developing staff capability in generative AI use. 
  • Sharing good practice in the use of generative AI within teaching, learning, assessment and support. 

Contributions to the conference must be relevant to the conference’s main theme and could be relevant to one or more of the above sub-themes, although any sufficiently well-articulated case will be considered. As a University, we have initiated a series of work packages to further explore the implications and opportunities for generative AI in relation to teaching, learning, assessment and support within higher education. The outputs from these projects will also be shared at the conference along with opportunities for delegates to engage with the developed resources and materials in the context of their own teaching practice. Contributors to the conference will also have the opportunity to write up their contributions for a special issue of the journal Education in Practice. 

Contribution formats: 

We welcome proposals for the following contribution formats: 

  • Short presentations (15 minutes) 

  • Talks with a more active or ‘hands-on element’, for example to showcase or encourage engagement with resources or materials (20 minutes) 

  • Short workshops as professional development activities for attendees (25 minutes) 

We also welcome alternative proposals, such as short round-table discussions or panels. 

The deadline for proposals is 24 June 2024. To submit a proposal please follow this link: