HEFi Teaching & Learning Awards 2019/20

HEFi Teaching & Learning Awards celebrate teaching excellence in the context of our contemporary, research-intensive university. The HEFi Awards are peer-nominated, and the aim is to recognise academic and professional services colleagues who design, deliver and/or support exceptional student learning.

Up to five individuals (or small teams) are shortlisted in each category. Winners will receive £1,000 (or an equal share if the award is made to a team) to be used for professional development activity.

Learn more about the HEFi Awards categories for 2019/20, which are:

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The Award for Teaching Innovation

This award will be made to an individual or team who has demonstrated innovation in teaching that has had a sustained positive impact on student learning. The judges will be looking for innovation that has had a transformative effect on teaching and that has the potential to be transferable into other contexts.

The Award for Inclusive Education

This award will recognise an individual or team committed to developing an inclusive learning environment in which all students feel they belong, are respected, and can learn optimally. The judges will be looking for best practice in inclusive learning design and evidence of strategies for inclusive education that could be transferable into other contexts.

The Award for Educational Leadership

This award recognises the full range of educational leadership that exists in the University of Birmingham. It is an individual award, made to someone who has used their leadership skills to promote a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning in our research-intensive context.  The judges will be looking for individuals who, in their own immediate context and beyond, have supported, guided and/or influenced others to have a positive impact on student learning.

The Award for Outstanding Support for Student Education

This award will be made to an individual or team who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to supporting students to learn and preparing them for their futures.  The judges will be looking for evidence of student-centred practice that supports students to develop the knowledge and skills they will need in future employment.

The Award for HEFi Teaher of the Year

This award celebrates the achievements of an outstanding colleague who has made a significant and lasting contribution to the provision of education at the University of Birmingham. The award winner will have a passion and drive for education that is recognised and respected by their peers and (where appropriate) students. The judges will be looking for evidence of teaching and leadership informed by engagement with research, impact on student learning, a commitment to reflection, collaboration and continuing professional development, and extensive influence that makes a notable difference to the provision of teaching and learning at the University of Birmingham.

HEFi Award Outcomes

Vice Chancellor David Eastwood welcomes staff to the HEFi Awards on 12th February 2020

The HEFi Awards Dinner took place on 12th February 2020, and brought together colleagues from across the University of Birmingham for an evening celebrating a range of outstanding teaching achievements over the last 12 months. These included successful completion of the PGCHE, achieving HEA Fellowships through the Beacon scheme, and peer nominations for teaching excellence, innovation, leadership, and student support. It was an enjoyable and inspirational evening, and a wonderful demonstration of commitment to teaching and supporting student learning.

For the first time the winners of the HEFi Teaching and Learning Awards were announced on the night and the Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir David Eastwood, congratulated the runners-up and presented the awards to the winners in each category. Watch the Vice-Chancellor’s opening speech and find out who the winners were in this round-up.

HEFi Awards outcomes

Educational Leadership Award

Winner - David Leppinen, School of Mathematics

Runner up - Patricia Hibberd, Institute of Clinical Sciences

 Educational Leadership winner 2020

Outstanding Support for Student Education Award

Winner - Careers in Business Team, Birmingham Business School

Runners up - Advanced Clinical Practice Team, School of Nursing


 Team with HEFi Award

Teaching Innovation Award

Winner - SWiFT Team, School of Engineering

Runner up - Sophie Cox, School of Chemical Engineering

 Teaching Innovation winners 2020

Inclusive Education Award

Winner - Natasa Mavronicola, Ben Atkins & Ben Warwick, Birmingham Law School

Runners up - Student Experience Team, College of Arts & Law

Laura Jenkins, School of Government

Naomi Green, School of Engineering

 Inclusive Education winners 2020 1

HEFi Teacher of the Year Award

Winner - Ronnie Meechan-Rogers, Institute of Clinical Sciences

 Teacher of the Year winner 2020