Forms and useful links

USS forms

BPAS forms

GRP Forms

Useful links

  • The Pensions Regulator - The Pensions Regulator is the new regulator of work-based pensions in the UK. Created under the Pensions Act 2004, they have wider powers and a new proactive and risk-focused approach to regulation.
  • HM Revenue & Customs
  • HMRC has published Approaching retirement: a guide to tax and National Insurance contributions (IR121) for people who are close to retirement replacing the previous Income Tax and Pensioners publication.
  • FCA - Financial Services Authority
  • UUK - Universities UK
  • DWP – Department for Work and Pensions
  • FSA Comparative Tables – from the Financial Services Authority
  • The Annuity Bureau – An independent company providing expertise in financial products that generate income or capital in retirement.
  • Visionary is a membership organisation for local sight loss charities - sometimes known as local societies or associations for blind and partially sighted people.
  • BMA - British Medical Association
  • Aviva UK Life - formally known as  Friends Life - was the Pension provider for Members of the GRPP scheme, prior to the 31/07/2018.


MoneyHelper is a free, government organisation that offers guidance to make money and pension choices clearer.

Holborn Centre
120 Holborn

Tel: 0800 138 7777 (English)
Tel: 0800 138 0555 (Welsh)

Pension Tracing Service

The government’s tracing service if you’re unable to find pensions left with previous employers.

The Pension Tracing Service can be contacted at:
The Pension Service 9
Mail Handling Site A
Wolverhampton WV98 1LU

Tel: 0800 731 0193

The Pensions Ombudsman

An independent organisation set up by law to investigate and resolve complaints and disputes arising from pension schemes.

The Pensions Ombudsman can be contacted at:

The Office of the Pensions Ombudsman
10 South Colonnade
Canary Wharf E144PU

Tel: 0207 630 2200