Contact the pensions department

Please visit Help & support (uss.co.uk) for further support and guidance
If you have any questions regarding the payment of your pension or if your tax code differs from the code notified to you by HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC), please call the Isio Payroll Team on freephone 0800 033 4009, on weekdays between 9.30am and 4.30pm.
All other queries, including changes in any of your personal details, bank details, questions or instructions about your pension, you can contact the Isio administration team via:
Email: BPAS@isio.com
Telephone: 0333 041 3016
Address: Isio Group, PO Box 163, Blyth, NE24 9GS
It is their preference that correspondence is sent by email wherever possible, however if you do not have access to an email facility, please send correspondence to the address above.
From the 6th January 2025, you will also be able to use The Pensions Platform Member Portal (“Member Portal”). This will give you access to view your member record within The University of Birmingham Pension and Assurance Scheme. Details for access have been included in your welcome letter.
Please visit the NHS Contact Us site.
Please visit GRP - Get In Touch.
If you are a current employee of the University of Birmingham, please open a HR Portal Case and select Pensions.
If you are not a current employee of the University of Birmingham, please email the Pensions team via pensionsdocs@contacts.bham.ac.uk or call 0121 415 9000 and choose the pensions option.