BPAS pension scheme

BPAS Administration Update
Members of the BPAS will already be aware that from the 1st December 2024, Isio have been appointed as the Scheme’s new administrator, replacing the University’s in house team.
Isio will also assume responsibility for the payment of your monthly pension with effect from December 2024, and first payday will be 20th of this month. Your pension will continue to be paid on the same day of the month as it is currently. Your pension will continue to be paid directly into your bank account and the current gross amount you receive will not change.
For more information please view the information below and see the Pensions contact page for how to reach the Isio team.
BPAS Pension Scheme is designed to provide benefits for three groups of people; Former employees of the University who were in the scheme and have now claimed their pensions, Former employees of the University who were in the scheme who still have an entitlement to a pension that they have not yet claimed. Current members of the University support staff who are members of the scheme. The scheme offered benefits on a 60th accrual rate up to 31 July 2006 and now offers members a choice as to the level of benefits they wish to contribute towards.