Applications must be submitted by one senior or junior faculty/researcher of USP and by one of UoB, both of whom will be named Principal Investigators (PIs) (Please note: USP and UoB applicants must be active professors of the permanent staff of the University; Post-doctoral researchers may be added to the team list, but are not eligible for funding).
Additional participants of the respective project teams may be professors, PhD candidates, and post-doctoral researchers. The funding scheme is open to all academic fields. Activities may focus on one discipline or be of interdisciplinary character.
Proposals for the UBBI-USP Strategic Collaboration Seed Fund must be submitted in English by Principal Investigators on both sides simultaneously in PDF format (one file & one email).Please see the Application Form for details.
Applications must be made using the UBBI-USP Strategic Collaboration Seed Fund Application Form.
Each Principal Investigator must submit the same proposal to the scientific coordination of their home institution, including the following information:
a) Identified UoB and USP Principal Investigators.
b) Purpose and timescale of visit/programme activity.
c) Anticipated total cost and itemised budget for the proposed activities.
d) Academic rationale for support:
i. What is the strategic importance or added academic value of the collaboration for your home department and University?
ii. What are the anticipated shared outcomes and benefits for the collaboration?
e) Anticipated means of sustaining the collaboration. What funding is available from other sources and what potential is there for future external investment?
f) Executive Officer of the Unit / Head of College or Faculty Dean approval. Email confirmation of this support will suffice, and should be saved in PDF format and attached with the application.
Applications should be submitted by email by both PIs, using the UBBI-USP Strategic Collaboration Seed Fund application form, to the following addresses:
The University of Birmingham: Mary Elliston, Global Partnerships Manager Email:
Universidade de São Paulo: USP International Cooperation Office (AUCANI) - opublicoListar?nivpbcavo=D&codmnu=3144 (Call #1910)