David Goley

Photo of David GoleyIt is with great sadness that the University of Birmingham has learned of the death of David Goley. David was a much valued and loved member of the Service User and Carer Team in the Department of Social Work and Social Care, where he volunteered his time to help train social workers at the University of Birmingham. 



  • Dr Joy Fillingham
    1. At 5:45PM on 26 May 2020, Dr Joy Fillingham wrote

    He was kind, thoughtful; a little shy, but always willing to ‘give it a go’, I think he surprised himself by what he could achieve. Dave would regularly undertake admissions interviews with academics; act as a role player to assess student’s readiness to begin placements and to work with students as part of a team presenting. He shared his life experiences at times and often had student’s saying hello to him, years after they had worked with him as his gentle but funny approach to life was very endearing.

  • Jon Nichols
    2. At 5:45PM on 26 May 2020, Jon Nichols wrote

    I only knew Dave a short time but came very quickly to consider him a friend as well as a colleague. I don’t think I ever saw him in a bad mood and was very happy to share a quick beer with him when I bumped into him in Moseley! I will miss him.

  • Iona Cerasella Cris
    3. At 5:46PM on 26 May 2020, Iona Cerasella Cris wrote

    I really enjoyed working with Dave - he was always patient, understanding, and kind (even when I or others at the university would forget to do something, or would make mistakes). Through his work at the university he has contributed to making current and future generations of social workers much better prepared to genuinely support service users.

  • Janet Qureshi
    4. At 5:46PM on 26 May 2020, Janet Qureshi wrote

    Very sad news, Dave was a much liked member of our team. He will be greatly missed.

  • Graham Price
    5. At 5:46PM on 26 May 2020, Graham Price wrote

    I have happy memories of our review days which were even better for the fun and laughter they contained and clearly Dave was part of that happy experience.

  • Stewart Hendry
    6. At 6:00PM on 26 May 2020, Stewart Hendry wrote

    So sad to hear that David has past away, he was a very gentle and pleasant chap, always with a smile and always happy to help! I have known of David for about 20 years, when he used to take photos for user voice and at the disco and brainstorm music nights!

    I got to know David a lot more when working with him on the role plays with the readiness to practice for social work!

    Rest in peace David, you will be sadly missed!

  • Denise Tanner
    7. At 6:04PM on 26 May 2020, Denise Tanner wrote

    It was a pleasure to know and work with Dave and to see him grow in confidence over the years he worked with us. He became an excellent role player and was always cheerful and enthusiastic. I like to think that he gained a lot of satisfaction and pleasure from his work with us and from knowing that he was a highly valued member of the service user and carer team. I will remember Dave with great fondness and gratitude for what he gave to the team and our students.

  • Colin Burbridge
    8. At 6:05PM on 26 May 2020, Colin Burbridge wrote

    David always took his time to check everyone was ok and my abiding memory of him was always offering to get me a cup of coffee. He will be greatly missed.

  • Shereese Cooper
    9. At 6:10PM on 26 May 2020, Shereese Cooper wrote

    You were such a sweet kind caring man, we are all still shocked by the news. For all those who were fortunate to work alongside you, will all agree that you was a beautiful gentle soul. You will be sadly missed mate, it's not going to be the same without you. Rest In Paradise... Nuff love, Shereese.

  • Christine Ransome-Wallis
    10. At 6:33PM on 26 May 2020, Christine Ransome-Wallis wrote

    Dave was always friendly, chatty and happy to talk about anything. He was years younger than me so his passing was a real shock. I will really miss him being part of the team. He has always been there and when I met him on a bus he always came to say hello.

  • Vivienne Tongue
    11. At 7:08PM on 26 May 2020, Vivienne Tongue wrote

    Dave was just a lovely kind man who quietly made a difference.

  • Saima Arooj
    12. At 8:00PM on 26 May 2020, Saima Arooj wrote

    I remember Dave as having a gentle demeanour and a dry sense of humour. I saw him the last time, shortly before lockdown and was shocked to hear the news. No doubt he will be missed by so many. The world is poorer without him.

  • Ann Davis
    13. At 6:41PM on 27 May 2020, Ann Davis wrote

    I first met Dave around fifteen years ago. He was a long-standing member of Suresearch and over the years his presence at our meetings made a difference. He was considerate of others, friendly and warm hearted. Because of his involvement in the survivor/user world in Birmingham he knew what was happening especially in the arts and music and always had something new to tell us. He was generous in sharing his mental health experiences so that others could learn from him. I will miss him at the University and around Moseley and grieve that it’s too late to thank him for all he gave To so many of us.

  • Sharlene Saunders
    14. At 7:58PM on 27 May 2020, Sharlene Saunders wrote

    David will not he forgotten. He was such a caring individual. He always putting a smile on our faces. I will truly miss his kind words and caring nature.

  • Mohammed Zaman
    15. At 11:33PM on 27 May 2020, Mohammed Zaman wrote

    I knew David for over 20 years and would regularly see him at various meetings, he was a very well known man around Birmingham, volunteering his services for different organisations. Always giving advice and helping you navigate the system.

    He will be sadly missed but not forgotten.

  • Karen Hillier
    16. At 11:42AM on 28 May 2020, Karen Hillier wrote

    I got to know David when I started to work with Birmingham Uni on the student social work programme. David knew my son and he would always ask about him . I found David a very kind, shy man, he would always be interested in how you were. I was sad to hear of his death and please send my sympathy to his family and friends and want them to know how well liked he was. Kindest regards, Karen Hillier

  • Reshma Patel
    17. At 6:17PM on 28 May 2020, Reshma Patel wrote

    Dearest David

    Not sure where to start, I keep opening this and feel there is no one sentence that describe you. Always happy, easy to get on with, sensitive, quietly making a difference, very caring, always happy to help. I haven't known you as long as some of the others but you will definitely be missed. Rest in Peace David.

    lot of love Resh


  • Prag Shah
    18. At 12:55PM on 30 May 2020, Prag Shah wrote

    You will be missed and it was great knowing and working with you. Your contribution was in a very quiet and gentle way.

  • Mark Lynes
    19. At 9:39AM on 12 August 2020, Mark Lynes wrote

    David was a very nice man I was in lots of meetings with him about City Council I particularly enjoyed our chats before and after meetings. I was delighted to see him at university.

    Rip always Dave