Professor Ken Davey OBE

It is with great sadness that the University of Birmingham announces the passing away of  Ken Davey OBE, Emeritus Professor and former Head of School and Associate Director of the Development Administration Group, who sadly passed away in February 2021. 


You are welcome to submit a message of condolence here, which will be reviewed before publishing.


Messages of condolence

  • 1. At 8:26PM on 17 March 2021, Isa Sagbas wrote

    I was deeply saddened to hear about the death of Professor Ken Davey. I graduated from the University of Birmingham in 1999. I was the last PhD Student of Professor Davey. He was very helpful during my stay in Birmingham. He invited me and my family for a lunch after my viva. I always felt that he was a sincere person. I invited him to Public Finance Congress in Turkey in 2004. He kindly accepted and gave a lecture. After the congress we visited Pamukkale in Denizli. I had telephone conservations with him from time to time. He could not remember me in my last telephone conservations last year. I am expressing my innermost condolences to his family and the University of Birmingham.

    Dr.Isa Sagbas, Professor of Public Finance, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey

  • 2. At 5:22PM on 03 April 2021, Wendy Thompson wrote

    Dear Ken was a real gentleman, kind, generous, wise and so interesting - it was always good to listen to whatever he had to say. I knew Ken for over 35 years, and his lovely family too. It was a privilege to know them all and I will never forget Ken. He was a true Christian with a heart of gold.

    God Bless.

  • 3. At 12:24AM on 20 June 2021, David C. Jones wrote

    I was so sorry to learn of Ken's passing. I recall him with affection and respect. As a former specialist in local government, myself, he was a source of admiration, by me for, his talents, which were used throughout the world. In my early career, in Uganda, he was my supervisor, mentor, and family friend. Later, we maintained loose but friendly personal and professional contact, as we shared our work and experience in local government finance. I offer my sympathies to his family.

  • 4. At 12:24AM on 20 June 2021, David C. Jones wrote

    I was so sorry to learn of Ken's passing. I recall him with affection and respect. As a former specialist in local government, myself, he was a source of admiration, by me for, his talents, which were used throughout the world. In my early career, in Uganda, he was my supervisor, mentor, and family friend. Later, we maintained loose but friendly personal and professional contact, as we shared our work and experience in local government finance. I offer my sympathies to his family.

  • 5. At 12:24AM on 20 June 2021, David C. Jones wrote

    I was so sorry to learn of Ken's passing. I recall him with affection and respect. As a former specialist in local government, myself, he was a source of admiration, by me for, his talents, which were used throughout the world. In my early career, in Uganda, he was my supervisor, mentor, and family friend. Later, we maintained loose but friendly personal and professional contact, as we shared our work and experience in local government finance. I offer my sympathies to his family.