Dr Christoph Helma
Dr. Christoph Helma is the owner of in silico toxicology gmbh. He received his Ph.D. in chemistry and a Masters in toxicology. His main research interest is the application of data mining techniques to solve real-world toxicological problems and the development of open-source software for that purpose.
He has more than 10 years experience in predictive toxicology research and has published more than 50 peer reviewed research papers. He was editor for the `Predictive Toxicology' textbook and for special sections in `Bioinformatics' and `Combinatorial Chemistry and High Throughput Screening', invited speaker for major (Q)SAR conferences and main organizer of the `Predictive Toxicology Challenge'. He developed and implemented the lazar program, that was awarded with the Research Price for Alternative Methods to Animal Experiments (German Federal Ministry on Consumer Protection, Food and Agriculture, 2005) and the Research Prize for Cancer Research without Animal Experiments (Doctors Against Animal Experiments, 2006). He was workpackage leader in the EU projects SCARLET, Sens-it-iv and OpenTox as well as in the current ToxBank project.
Website: www.in-silico.ch