Courses in Individual-based Modelling (IbM) of biofilms using iDynoMiCS
Since 2008, we have run these one week courses three times so far, twice at the Danish Technical University in Lyngby, Copenhagen, and once at the University of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Our diverse course participants have been PhD students, postdocs, and faculty from a range of disciplines and countries, working on a variety of interesting research projects.
- iDynoMiCS course 2008
The inaugural iDynoMiCS course in 2008 was attended by 35 participants from 10 countries. It was held from 8-13 of June 2008, at the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), Lyngby, Denmark.
[For more information, pictures, ...]
- iDynoMiCS course 2009
The second course was again held at the DTU, from the 21-26 of June 2009, and attended by 18 participants from 8 countries.
[For more information, pictures, ...]
- iDynoMiCS course 2010
For the third course we moved to the UK for a change, and welcomed 18 participants from only 7 countries at the University of Birmingham, from the 13-18 of June.
[For more information, pictures, ...]
- NIMBioS Investigative Workshop: Individual-based Ecology of Microbes
In 2011, instead of the iDynoMiCS course, we are co-organizing a more general workshop on individual-based ecology of microbes, encouraging experimentalists to attend as well as modellers. This workshop well be held at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA.
[For more information ...]