Our labs are in based in the Hill Building, School of Psychology. The building has been designed to provide a state-of-the-art multi-disciplinary research centre. We are housed in large open plan laboratory of some 65 sq-metres.
This contains the following major equipment:
- General area
- Image analysis workstations
- Visuo-motor tracking station (computer based, with joystick or simple 1- or 2-D motion recording systems).
- TMS station
(Magstim 200 Rapid rTMS with several different coils & head contraint).
- Bimanual force controlled robot arm (Vbots from Wolpert lab, UCL )
- Optotrak 3020 infra-red motion tracker
- Polhemus Fastrak and Ascension Flock of Birds electromagnetic motion tracking
- Eyetracking - ASL 501/504 head-mounted or remote high speed monocular systems, coupled with Ascension motion tracking systems for recording hand movement.
- Skalar Iris infra-red reflectometry eyetracking (binocular 1-D high speed recording)
- MR compatible Plato LCD goggles