Untargeted Metabolomics LC/MS Data Processing and Statistical Analysis

School of Biosciences - University of Birmingham
Event cost
Monday 24 March (09:15) - Wednesday 26 March 2025 (16:00)


Person typing on a laptop

Untargeted Metabolomics LC/MS Data Processing and Statistical Analysis

24th - 26th March 2025 - Register now
Image of a folder with the BMTC logo

Course Overview

Metabolomics data processing is a complex and challenging field, with limited support and guidance available from either metabolomics community resources or training providers. This 3-day course is designed to specifically address challenges associated with untargeted metabolomics data processing, and is recommended for either (i) individuals who have already completed an introductory-level BMTC course, or (ii) delegates with existing intermediate experience operating LC-MS metabolomics, and will provide trainees with furthered skills in metabolomics data processing and analytics.

Delegates will be provided with real LC-MS datasets for hands-on analysis, and over the course of several sessions will be guided through various tools for metabolomic data processing and statistical analysis, including XCMS, univariate statistics, multivariate analysis, and annotation processing.

This course is led and delivered by three experts in the field of metabolomics data processing and statistical analysis and includes lectures to provide a detailed overview of the tools available to process and analyse metabolomics data, and computer workshops to give delegates hands-on experience using workflows and R-packages developed by Phenome Centre Birmingham.

Checklist with tickboxes

Topics Covered

  • Introduction to metabolomics datasets and data processing in R
  • Raw data processing  and generating peak tables using XCMS
  • Importing untargeted metabolomics datasets into R
  • Hands-on experience using PCB R packages for data processing and statistics including:
    • Data QA/QC, cleaning and filtering
    • Peak Matrix Processing (normalisation, imputation, scaling etc)
    • Univariate statistical analysis (t-statistics, ANOVA)
    • Multivariate analysis (PCA, PLS)
  • Annotation and annotation processing for untargeted metabolomics
  • An introduction to pathway analysis
Preview the course programme
 Picture of a trencher (academic motorboard) hat


This course is aimed at individuals who have previously attended an introductory-level BMTC course and wish to delve into the world of data processing and statistical analysis in more detail. This course would also be suitable for practitioners who are familiar with operating LC-MS metabolomics but wish to improve their understanding and skills in data processing and statistical analysis. Note that many of the workshops are delivered using R and delegates will be expected to be able to write and execute simple scripts/code. If you are unsure whether this course is right for you, please contact us for further advice: bmtc@contacts.bham.ac.uk

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Early-bird: £1,249

Rate closed

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Standard: £1,449

24th - 26th March 2025 - Register now


Please read the Birmingham Metabolomics Training Centre's Conditions and Cancellation Policy prior to registering.