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Nutriome Banner-01The Nutriome Meeting:Workshop 3: Best practice in human nutritional immunology, hosted by the University of Birmingham on 13th September.

This workshop is the third in a series funded by the MRC as part of the NUTRIOME project which is investigating the impact of Vitamin D on immunity. The workshop series aims to raise awareness of practical and technical issues in research looking at nutrition-immune interactions.

This third workshop focusses on immunology, considering the basics of the immune response to pathogens, mucosal immunity, how immunity changes with age and the influence of the microbiome. It will include technical advice on best practice in immune analyses as the Pubic and Patient perspective of immunology research.


10:00  Introduction to the partnership, its vision and objectives
 Professor Philip Calder, University of Southampton
10:10  Introduction to the aims, format and outcome of the Workshop
 Professor Janet Lord, University of Birmingham
10:20  Overview of the immune system
 Professor Janet Lord, University of Birmingham
11:00  Q&A
11:20  Overview of mucosal immunity (incl microbiome)
 Professor Simon Carding, University of East Anglia
11:50  Q&A
12:00  Nutritional modifiers of inflammation and immunity
 Professor Martin Hewison, University of Birmingham
12:40  Q&A
12:50  Lunch
13:30 How ageing affects the immune response (incl dysbiosis and covid19) 
Professor Janet Lord, University of Birmingham
14:10  Q&A
14:20  ILSI Europe activities around Biomarkers of immunity and inflammation
 Professor Philip Calder, University of Southampton
14:50  Q&A
15:00  Assessment of inflammation and the immune response in older people
 Dr Niharika Duggal, University of Birmingham
15:30  Q&A
15:40  The participant's perspective
 Laura Chapman, Birmingham BRC and Bob Jasper, PPI Rep
16:00  Q&A
16:10  General Discussion
16:40  Summary and next steps
 Professor Philip Calder, University of Southampton
16:50  Workshop close

Please note that registration has now closed.

Please contact the UoB Conferences and Events Team if you have a query about your registration,

When and Where?

The workshop will take place on Monday 13th September 2021. The workshop will be held virtually via Zoom.

Contact us

If you have any queries please email the UoB Conferences and Events team,